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NOTE: The summary statistics use weighted data. Regressions use unweighted data.


Summary Statistics

Summary Statistics

Variable Mean (Before) Median (Before) Standard Deviation (Before) Mean (After) Median (After) Average Change In Score (p) Policy Lovers (Before Score Over 70): Av Score Policy Haters (Before Score Under 30): Av Score Lovers - % (Before) Haters - % (Before) Lovers - % (After) Haters - % (After) Lovers Average Score (After) Haters Average Score (After) Lovers - Average Change in Score (p) Haters - Average Change in Score (p) 0 scores % (Before) 100 scores % (Before) 0 scores % (After) 100 scores % (After)
Overall Score (Post only) 0.00 0.00 26.16 69.57 75.00 0.00 (1.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 57.23 10.18 87.31 10.81 0.00 (1.0000) 0.00 (1.0000) 0.00 0.00 2.00 9.88
Q65.3_1 - Influenced By Any Argument 53.37 57.00 28.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Basic Income 66.15 72.00 29.37 67.92 75.00 1.77 (0.0358) 88.26 12.68 53.88 15.34 56.27 14.36 87.09 18.54 -1.17 (0.0807) 5.86 (0.0000) 2.66 17.30 2.28 16.91
Green Nd 70.44 77.00 25.97 72.07 80.00 1.63 (0.0429) 88.14 10.07 58.33 8.27 61.60 9.61 88.23 12.66 0.09 (0.5811) 2.59 (0.1423) 1.90 15.13 2.07 17.35
Utilities 73.61 80.00 23.89 76.57 82.00 2.96 (0.0000) 89.31 13.99 60.83 5.97 68.34 5.61 89.83 19.44 0.53 (0.0715) 5.45 (0.0040) 0.76 18.81 0.79 20.97
Health 76.97 83.00 24.00 78.19 86.00 1.23 (0.1293) 90.94 12.89 66.66 5.87 71.25 6.09 90.59 16.83 -0.35 (0.4433) 3.95 (0.0591) 1.08 25.31 1.04 26.68
Childcare 64.78 70.00 28.57 66.05 71.00 1.27 (0.0816) 88.83 12.27 48.16 13.52 50.51 14.78 88.37 13.77 -0.47 (0.8524) 1.50 (0.0863) 1.88 14.95 2.12 16.62
Education 70.73 77.00 26.50 71.45 78.00 0.72 (0.2693) 88.79 11.82 58.53 9.44 60.91 9.31 87.50 15.87 -1.29 (0.0522) 4.04 (0.0092) 1.79 18.11 1.91 17.70
Housing 69.66 72.00 24.04 71.62 76.00 1.97 (0.0045) 86.96 14.58 54.48 7.67 58.49 7.40 86.82 19.57 -0.14 (0.9401) 4.99 (0.0040) 1.04 12.97 1.33 13.97
Transport 72.30 76.00 24.08 75.26 80.00 2.96 (0.0000) 88.60 14.39 59.07 6.42 66.43 5.54 89.06 20.84 0.46 (0.2326) 6.45 (0.0003) 0.81 17.29 0.57 19.09
Democracy 72.49 79.00 25.25 73.21 80.00 0.72 (0.2211) 89.87 12.60 58.91 6.97 60.55 6.89 88.68 18.82 -1.19 (0.0331) 6.22 (0.0006) 1.28 21.07 1.08 20.62
Tax 64.40 70.00 27.69 68.13 75.00 3.74 (0.0000) 87.90 11.78 46.64 12.94 54.69 11.73 89.11 17.89 1.21 (0.0176) 6.11 (0.0000) 2.68 11.89 2.34 14.73
Q66.2 - Age 47.96 48.00 16.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Q66.20_1 - Left Right 45.97 50.00 21.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Q66.6 - Hh Net Income Pa 40,156.70 34,000.00 39,420.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Q66.9_1 - At Risk Of Destitution 26.85 19.00 26.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Q66.12 - Ladder 5.30 5.00 1.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Q66.17_1 - In Control Of Life 61.41 65.17 22.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Q66.18_1 - Life Satisfaction 61.64 68.00 24.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gad 7 5.14 4.00 5.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Phq 8 4.45 3.00 4.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 (0.0000) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Note - p-values are for difference in pre-post mean scores - pairwise tests give smaller p- values.

Scores for Each Policy Argument

Name Subname Relgains Mean Relgains Median Security Mean Security Median Absgains Mean Absgains Median Other Argument Mean Other Argument Median
String String Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
Basic Income All 63.47 70.00 72.86 80.00 65.68 71.00 62.98 70.00
Basic Income Lovers 77.81 80.00 84.24 90.00 77.36 80.00 76.37 80.00
Basic Income Haters 24.92 18.38 34.66 30.00 32.12 29.60 31.30 19.00
Green Nd All 68.08 74.00 73.44 81.00 69.61 73.45 63.99 70.00
Green Nd Lovers 82.69 88.00 86.36 91.00 81.99 84.00 77.47 81.00
Green Nd Haters 14.67 8.92 17.87 15.00 19.12 5.50 11.23 9.97
Utilities All 75.73 80.00 74.04 79.00 74.95 81.00 72.19 79.00
Utilities Lovers 86.09 90.00 83.91 87.00 86.76 91.00 83.80 89.00
Utilities Haters 32.99 30.00 22.49 20.00 26.00 15.00 14.88 10.00
Health All 74.67 82.93 72.61 77.00 75.41 83.00 75.58 81.00
Health Lovers 85.31 90.00 83.47 87.00 87.35 91.00 86.41 90.00
Health Haters 20.90 14.00 26.30 19.00 16.13 10.00 25.65 20.00
Childcare All 65.16 71.00 65.64 70.00 68.27 75.00 57.76 60.00
Childcare Lovers 85.21 90.00 84.42 90.00 88.36 94.00 74.37 81.00
Childcare Haters 16.55 10.00 20.70 16.00 20.95 18.00 15.90 14.00
Education All 68.76 75.00 70.49 75.00 69.06 75.00 65.44 70.00
Education Lovers 83.15 88.00 82.25 85.00 83.55 84.00 80.30 84.00
Education Haters 20.67 10.00 27.07 15.16 24.89 22.68 17.11 9.87
Housing All 71.32 77.00 69.06 72.00 66.78 71.00 66.69 70.00
Housing Lovers 82.87 88.00 83.32 85.00 80.65 85.00 79.90 84.00
Housing Haters 25.32 17.17 20.87 17.63 21.59 15.48 28.82 25.22
Transport All 73.56 80.00 71.00 75.00 75.52 80.00 70.24 73.71
Transport Lovers 86.35 90.00 83.09 86.00 86.50 90.00 81.44 83.00
Transport Haters 28.13 23.00 19.36 14.75 32.34 32.40 19.39 15.81
Democracy All 66.13 74.00 67.09 71.00 70.18 74.00 69.53 72.00
Democracy Lovers 78.98 89.51 79.89 83.00 81.54 85.00 82.12 85.00
Democracy Haters 15.03 7.57 25.57 20.00 30.19 30.00 25.30 22.26
Tax All 70.12 79.00 68.11 72.00 66.44 71.00 61.66 66.00
Tax Lovers 87.67 91.00 84.32 88.00 87.38 90.00 78.41 85.00
Tax Haters 23.70 10.29 26.90 23.64 22.53 14.68 19.89 15.26

Correlations between Popularity of Policies

Basic Income Green New Deal Utilities Health Childcare Education Housing Transport Democracy Tax
1.00 Basic Income
0.46 1.00 Green Nd
0.39 0.45 1.00 Utilities
0.45 0.47 0.54 1.00 Health
0.44 0.44 0.36 0.48 1.00 Childcare
0.41 0.49 0.48 0.59 0.57 1.00 Education
0.39 0.41 0.41 0.42 0.42 0.50 1.00 Housing
0.35 0.47 0.52 0.45 0.39 0.50 0.48 1.00 Transport
0.28 0.36 0.43 0.39 0.27 0.40 0.41 0.43 1.00 Democracy
0.45 0.51 0.45 0.50 0.46 0.54 0.50 0.44 0.46 1.00 Tax

P-Values for The Correlations

Basic Income Green New Deal Utilities Health Childcare Education Housing Transport Democracy Tax
0.00 Basic Income
0.00 0.00 Green Nd
0.00 0.00 0.00 Utilities
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Health
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Childcare
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Education
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Housing
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Transport
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Democracy
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tax

Correlation Degrees of Freedom: (just sample size - 2) 1986

Q66.3 - Gender

Female 0.51
In another way (please type in below) 0.01
Male 0.48

Q66.4 - Ethnic

1.\tArab 0.00
1.\tCaribbean 0.01
1.\tIndian 0.02
1. English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British 0.80
1. White and Black Caribbean 0.01
2.\tAfrican background, write in below 0.02
2.\tPakistani 0.01
2. Any other ethnic group, please type in below 0.01
2. Irish 0.01
2. White and Black African 0.01
3.\tBangladeshi 0.00
3. Any other Black, Black British or Caribbean background, please type in below 0.01
3. White and Asian 0.01
4.\tChinese 0.01
4. Any other Mixed or Multiple background, please type in below 0.01
4. Roma 0.00
5. Any other Asian background, please type in below 0.01
5. Any other White background, please type in below 0.05

Last Election

Conservative 0.30
Labour 0.30
LibDem 0.07
Nat/Green 0.06
No Vote/DK/Refused 0.21
Other/Brexit 0.06

Next Election

Conservative 0.13
Labour 0.24
LibDem 0.05
Nat/Green 0.05
No Vote/DK/Refused 0.46
Other/Brexit 0.06

Q66.7 - Employment Status

A full/part-time carer (not as part of employment) 0.01
A homemaker 0.05
Doing an apprenticeship or other government supported training/work-experience scheme 0.00
Doing voluntary work 0.02
In full-time education 0.03
In full-time paid work (30 or more hours a week) 0.42
In irregular or occasional work 0.02
In part-time education 0.01
In part-time paid work (less than 30 hours a week) 0.14
Other, please type in below 0.18
Self-employed 0.07
Unable to work through sickness/disability 0.03
Unemployed and looking for work 0.03

Q66.8 - Owner Occupier

No 0.36
Yes 0.64

Q66.10 - Managing Financially

1.\tLiving comfortably 0.14
2.\tDoing alright 0.39
3.\tJust about getting by 0.32
4.\tFinding it quite difficult 0.10
5. Finding it very difficult 0.04

Q66.11 - Satisfied With Income

1. Completely dissatisfied 0.06
2. Mostly dissatisfied 0.12
3. Somewhat dissatisfied 0.22
4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 0.15
5. Somewhat satisfied 0.22
6. Mostly satisfied 0.18
7. Completely satisfied 0.04

Q66.13 - General Health

Bad 0.07
Fair 0.27
Good 0.47
Very bad 0.01
Very good 0.17

Q9.1_1 - Little Interest In Things

More than half the days 0.08
Nearly every day 0.05
Not at all 0.58
Several days 0.29

Q9.1_2 - Depressed

More than half the days 0.08
Nearly every day 0.06
Not at all 0.57
Several days 0.30

Q9.1_3 - Trouble Sleeping

More than half the days 0.12
Nearly every day 0.13
Not at all 0.39
Several days 0.36

Q9.1_4_1 - No Energy

More than half the days 0.12
Nearly every day 0.14
Not at all 0.33
Several days 0.41

Q9.1_5 - Poor Appetite

More than half the days 0.08
Nearly every day 0.07
Not at all 0.63
Several days 0.22

Q9.1_6 - Feeling Failure

More than half the days 0.08
Nearly every day 0.07
Not at all 0.61
Several days 0.24

Q9.1_7 - Trouble Concentrating

More than half the days 0.07
Nearly every day 0.05
Not at all 0.63
Several days 0.25

Q9.1_8 - More Restless Than Usual

More than half the days 0.02
Nearly every day 0.02
Not at all 0.88
Several days 0.08

Q66.15_1 - Anxious

More than half the days 0.10
Nearly every day 0.08
Not at all 0.48
Several days 0.33

Q66.15_2 - Uncontrolled Worry

More than half the days 0.08
Nearly every day 0.07
Not at all 0.58
Several days 0.27

Q66.15_3 - Worrying To Much

More than half the days 0.09
Nearly every day 0.09
Not at all 0.48
Several days 0.34

Q66.15_4 - Trouble Relaxing

More than half the days 0.10
Nearly every day 0.07
Not at all 0.51
Several days 0.32

Q66.15_5 - Restless Cant Sit Still

More than half the days 0.04
Nearly every day 0.03
Not at all 0.77
Several days 0.17

Q66.15_6 - Easily Annoyed

More than half the days 0.09
Nearly every day 0.05
Not at all 0.52
Several days 0.34

Q66.15_7 - Afraid

More than half the days 0.06
Nearly every day 0.05
Not at all 0.67
Several days 0.22

Q66.16 - Think About Future

Always true 0.22
Never true 0.01
Often true 0.65
Rarely true 0.13

Q66.2 - Age

Q66.20_1 - Left Right

Q66.6 - Hh Net Income Pa

Q66.9_1 - At Risk Of Destitution

Q66.12 - Ladder

Q66.17_1 - In Control Of Life

Q66.18_1 - Life Satisfaction

Gad 7

Phq 8

Regressions: by Policy

Regressions - Policy: Basic Income (Before Explanation)

Popularity of Basic Income: 1) Full Regression

Basic Income
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 107.097*** (0.000)94.735*** (0.000)98.210*** (0.000)97.283*** (0.000)106.583*** (0.000)98.261*** (0.000)100.319*** (0.000)98.184*** (0.000)98.583*** (0.000)105.819*** (0.000)89.023*** (0.000)97.672*** (0.000)94.298*** (0.000)80.412*** (0.000)98.852*** (0.000)98.346*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.277*** (0.000)-0.252*** (0.000)-0.233*** (0.000)-0.188*** (0.000) -0.280*** (0.000)-0.246*** (0.000) -0.259*** (0.000)-0.230*** (0.000)-0.228*** (0.000) -0.273*** (0.000)-0.240*** (0.000)-0.232*** (0.000)-0.247*** (0.000)-0.192*** (0.000)-0.232*** (0.000)-0.254*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Labour 17.843*** (0.000)17.249*** (0.000)16.894*** (0.000)16.967*** (0.000) 17.508*** (0.000)17.085*** (0.000) 17.453*** (0.000)17.101*** (0.000)17.173*** (0.000) 17.659*** (0.000)16.835*** (0.000)17.143*** (0.000)17.286*** (0.000)17.077*** (0.000)17.277*** (0.000)17.535*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): LibDem 17.429*** (0.000)16.855*** (0.000)16.850*** (0.000)16.789*** (0.000) 17.095*** (0.000)16.240*** (0.000) 17.184*** (0.000)16.801*** (0.000)16.864*** (0.000) 17.205*** (0.000)16.532*** (0.000)16.919*** (0.000)16.619*** (0.000)17.008*** (0.000)16.922*** (0.000)17.477*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Nat/Green 23.521*** (0.000)22.643*** (0.000)22.421*** (0.000)22.770*** (0.000) 23.317*** (0.000)22.448*** (0.000) 23.040*** (0.000)22.258*** (0.000)22.221*** (0.000) 23.362*** (0.000)22.434*** (0.000)22.437*** (0.000)22.818*** (0.000)22.658*** (0.000)22.534*** (0.000)23.300*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): No Vote/DK/Refused 7.757*** (0.001) 7.107** (0.002) 6.991** (0.003) 7.134** (0.002) 7.423** (0.002) 6.927** (0.003) 7.392** (0.002) 7.073** (0.003) 7.122** (0.002) 7.609** (0.001) 6.979** (0.003) 7.058** (0.003) 7.308** (0.002) 6.901** (0.003) 7.170** (0.002) 7.509** (0.001)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Other/Brexit 13.321** (0.004) 12.356** (0.007) 12.471** (0.007) 12.596** (0.006) 12.944** (0.005) 12.271** (0.008) 12.984** (0.005) 12.212** (0.008) 12.123** (0.009) 13.168** (0.004) 12.279** (0.008) 12.322** (0.008) 12.607** (0.006) 12.287** (0.007) 12.452** (0.007) 13.162** (0.004)
Not Ethnically British (Q66.4) 1.862 (0.262) 1.935 (0.242) 2.185 (0.187) 0.929 (0.577) 1.858 (0.262) 2.007 (0.225) 1.931 (0.244) 2.124 (0.200) 2.177 (0.189) 1.882 (0.257) 1.935 (0.241) 2.080 (0.209) 2.133 (0.198) 1.670 (0.309) 2.075 (0.210) 1.951 (0.238)
Working or Self Employed (inc. part-time) (Q66.7) -1.291 (0.378) -1.395 (0.339) -0.807 (0.582) -0.584 (0.690) -0.686 (0.644) -1.419 (0.332) -1.189 (0.416) -1.110 (0.447) -0.862 (0.556) -0.908 (0.541) -1.198 (0.412) -1.007 (0.491) -0.889 (0.544) -1.018 (0.482) -0.761 (0.605) -1.201 (0.411)
Log of household annual net income (Q66.6) -3.766*** (0.000) -2.737** (0.003) -2.211* (0.024) -2.791** (0.002) -3.523*** (0.000) -2.322* (0.016) -3.237*** (0.000)-3.399*** (0.000)-3.389*** (0.000) -3.698*** (0.000) -2.358* (0.013)-3.364*** (0.000) -2.784** (0.003) -1.995* (0.031)-3.383*** (0.000)-3.103*** (0.001)
From Redwall Constituency 2.639* (0.040) 2.536* (0.048) 2.469 (0.054) 3.146* (0.014) 2.324 (0.071) 2.557* (0.046) 2.645* (0.039) 2.776* (0.030) 2.733* (0.033) 2.582* (0.045) 2.775* (0.030) 2.647* (0.039) 2.566* (0.045) 2.888* (0.023) 2.638* (0.040) 2.816* (0.028)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) 0.555 (0.927) -0.239 (0.968) -0.050 (0.993) 0.128 (0.983) 0.103 (0.986) -0.421 (0.944) 0.021 (0.997) -0.212 (0.972) -0.134 (0.982) -0.068 (0.991) -0.902 (0.881) -0.142 (0.981) -0.410 (0.946) 1.439 (0.810) -0.089 (0.988) 0.741 (0.902)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -0.404 (0.745) -0.549 (0.657) -0.435 (0.725) -0.639 (0.605) -0.400 (0.747) -0.376 (0.761) -0.431 (0.728) 0.164 (0.896) 0.176 (0.888) -0.346 (0.780) -0.188 (0.879) -0.009 (0.994) -0.552 (0.656) 0.091 (0.941) -0.039 (0.975) -0.304 (0.806)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 6.684*** (0.000)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.678*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -6.685*** (0.000)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -0.087 (0.973)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -2.563 (0.303)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 11.147 (0.074)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -4.000 (0.146)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -1.730 (0.560)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -5.412* (0.049)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -9.325** (0.001)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -9.517*** (0.001)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -8.682** (0.004)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -6.294 (0.135)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 4.700** (0.008)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.806*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.498*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 3.482 (0.123)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright -1.062 (0.591)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 5.206* (0.013)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 7.017** (0.008)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 6.162 (0.076)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.757*** (0.001)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 4.382** (0.002)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.164*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.407** (0.001)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 6.996*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.096 0.103 0.102 0.105 0.100 0.106 0.099 0.101 0.102 0.097 0.107 0.101 0.100 0.116 0.100 0.101

text version | latex version

p- values in parenthesis. Results are relative to:

Popularity of Basic Income: 2): Short Regressions

Basic Income
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 83.541*** (0.000)80.509*** (0.000)94.274*** (0.000)84.148*** (0.000)87.763*** (0.000) 91.494*** (0.000)81.410*** (0.000)76.104*** (0.000)77.433*** (0.000)83.053*** (0.000)77.101*** (0.000)75.765*** (0.000)79.752*** (0.000)74.150*** (0.000)77.743*** (0.000)81.358*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.323*** (0.000)-0.292*** (0.000)-0.275*** (0.000)-0.218*** (0.000)-0.334*** (0.000) -0.285*** (0.000)-0.300*** (0.000)-0.263*** (0.000)-0.266*** (0.000)-0.323*** (0.000)-0.279*** (0.000)-0.265*** (0.000)-0.289*** (0.000)-0.237*** (0.000)-0.269*** (0.000)-0.299*** (0.000)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) 4.701 (0.448) 3.075 (0.617) 2.838 (0.644) 3.842 (0.532) 3.701 (0.551) 2.707 (0.660) 3.551 (0.566) 3.162 (0.608) 3.241 (0.599) 3.624 (0.559) 2.092 (0.733) 3.265 (0.597) 2.479 (0.688) 5.018 (0.411) 3.327 (0.590) 4.655 (0.450)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -0.638 (0.615) -0.815 (0.518) -0.630 (0.616) -0.966 (0.443) -0.562 (0.657) -0.559 (0.658) -0.663 (0.600) 0.182 (0.886) 0.191 (0.880) -0.511 (0.687) -0.340 (0.787) -0.023 (0.985) -0.841 (0.505) -0.087 (0.945) -0.059 (0.963) -0.522 (0.679)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 8.911*** (0.000)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -2.471*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -8.428*** (0.000)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -1.318 (0.618)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -4.989* (0.047)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 10.390 (0.106)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -6.250* (0.025)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -3.821 (0.205)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -8.061** (0.004)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -12.306*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -13.041*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -13.075*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -10.003* (0.017)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 7.076*** (0.000)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 2.491*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.668*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 5.547* (0.015)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 0.257 (0.897)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 7.950*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 10.117*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 11.082** (0.001)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 2.487*** (0.000)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 6.986*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.185*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.576*** (0.000)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 8.861*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.032 0.047 0.051 0.049 0.040 0.052 0.040 0.044 0.045 0.035 0.055 0.043 0.045 0.061 0.042 0.042

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Popularity of Basic Income: 3): Very Short Regressions

Basic Income
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
(Intercept) 66.156*** (0.000)83.893*** (0.000) 75.340*** (0.000)71.840*** (0.000) 79.174*** (0.000)66.764*** (0.000)62.263*** (0.000)64.031*** (0.000)67.676*** (0.000)62.604*** (0.000)61.368*** (0.000)65.274*** (0.000)62.025*** (0.000)63.870*** (0.000)66.902*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 10.593*** (0.000)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -3.000*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -11.311*** (0.000)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -2.108 (0.431)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -4.951 (0.052)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 11.251 (0.084)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -5.158 (0.067)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -3.749 (0.219)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -8.850** (0.002)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -13.974*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -14.072*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -15.716*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -15.003*** (0.000)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 8.966*** (0.000)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 3.443*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.897*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 5.655* (0.014)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 1.079 (0.592)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 9.504*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 12.805*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 13.874*** (0.000)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 3.508*** (0.000)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 8.554*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.222*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.814*** (0.000)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 10.823*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.021 0.028 0.036 0.006 0.029 0.013 0.024 0.025 0.003 0.032 0.023 0.020 0.045 0.022 0.015

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Change in Popularity of Basic Income: By Argument

Basic Income
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 1.956** (0.003) 2.016** (0.002) 1.781 (0.128) 1.329 (0.083) 2.402 (0.053) 0.434 (0.735) 2.041** (0.002)2.700*** (0.000) 2.589*** (0.000) 1.932** (0.003) 2.746** (0.006) 2.328** (0.004) 2.002** (0.003)2.378*** (0.001) 2.337** (0.001) 2.090** (0.002)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -0.299 (0.918) -0.224 (0.939) -0.270 (0.926) -0.123 (0.966) -0.378 (0.897) -0.188 (0.948) -0.175 (0.952) 0.012 (0.997) 0.039 (0.989) -0.348 (0.905) -0.096 (0.974) -0.168 (0.954) -0.250 (0.932) -0.285 (0.922) -0.100 (0.972) -0.276 (0.924)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -0.512 (0.388) -0.504 (0.396) -0.512 (0.388) -0.473 (0.425) -0.501 (0.400) -0.543 (0.362) -0.510 (0.390) -0.647 (0.279) -0.667 (0.264) -0.506 (0.395) -0.546 (0.359) -0.557 (0.350) -0.508 (0.393) -0.559 (0.347) -0.580 (0.331) -0.525 (0.376)
Shown Relative Gains Argument 0.409 (0.624) 0.417 (0.617) 0.411 (0.622) 0.430 (0.606) 0.398 (0.633) 0.410 (0.624) 0.426 (0.609) 0.420 (0.614) 0.414 (0.619) 0.413 (0.620) 0.436 (0.602) 0.409 (0.624) 0.408 (0.625) 0.448 (0.592) 0.405 (0.627) 0.398 (0.633)
Shown Flourishing Argument -2.783*** (0.001)-2.772*** (0.001)-2.780*** (0.001)-2.805*** (0.001)-2.778*** (0.001)-2.773*** (0.001)-2.759*** (0.001)-2.748** (0.001)-2.755*** (0.001)-2.792*** (0.001)-2.728** (0.001)-2.770*** (0.001)-2.783*** (0.001)-2.739** (0.001)-2.766*** (0.001)-2.788*** (0.001)
Shown Security Argument 3.053*** (0.000) 3.061*** (0.000) 3.053*** (0.000) 3.071*** (0.000) 3.067*** (0.000) 3.056*** (0.000) 3.090*** (0.000)3.076*** (0.000) 3.065*** (0.000) 3.056*** (0.000)3.100*** (0.000) 3.056*** (0.000) 3.051*** (0.000)3.104*** (0.000) 3.057*** (0.000) 3.044*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) -0.375 (0.619)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) 0.033 (0.857)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes 0.947 (0.123)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -0.835 (0.501)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -0.377 (0.750)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad -1.615 (0.592)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -0.189 (0.885)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied 1.896 (0.183)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied 1.227 (0.347)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 1.605 (0.243)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied 2.198 (0.091)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied 1.434 (0.287)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied 0.878 (0.652)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) -0.694 (0.396)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.411 (0.075)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.126* (0.036)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 0.260 (0.808)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright -0.712 (0.450)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by -0.971 (0.315)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult -1.549 (0.202)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult -1.044 (0.513)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 -0.185 (0.443)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) -0.143 (0.820)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) -0.016 (0.148)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 -0.068 (0.237)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) -1.056 (0.253)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.026 0.025 0.027 0.025 0.026 0.027 0.025 0.026 0.025 0.025 0.026 0.025 0.025

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

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Change in Popularity of Basic Income: Genderless By Argument

Basic Income
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 1.723** (0.004) 1.789** (0.003) 1.548 (0.173) 1.102 (0.120) 2.197 (0.070) 0.192 (0.878) 1.810** (0.003) 2.352*** (0.001) 2.249*** (0.001) 1.699** (0.004) 2.467** (0.010) 2.032** (0.007) 1.777** (0.005) 2.110** (0.001) 2.046** (0.002) 1.849** (0.002)
Shown Relative Gains Argument 0.404 (0.628) 0.412 (0.621) 0.406 (0.626) 0.426 (0.609) 0.392 (0.638) 0.405 (0.628) 0.421 (0.613) 0.414 (0.619) 0.408 (0.624) 0.408 (0.625) 0.430 (0.606) 0.404 (0.628) 0.402 (0.629) 0.440 (0.597) 0.400 (0.631) 0.392 (0.638)
Shown Flourishing Argument -2.799*** (0.001)-2.787*** (0.001)-2.796*** (0.001)-2.818*** (0.001)-2.796*** (0.001)-2.791*** (0.001)-2.773*** (0.001)-2.766*** (0.001)-2.773*** (0.001)-2.809*** (0.001)-2.744** (0.001)-2.787*** (0.001)-2.798*** (0.001)-2.757*** (0.001)-2.783*** (0.001)-2.804*** (0.001)
Shown Security Argument 3.041*** (0.000) 3.049*** (0.000) 3.041*** (0.000) 3.060*** (0.000) 3.056*** (0.000) 3.042*** (0.000) 3.078*** (0.000) 3.060*** (0.000) 3.049*** (0.000) 3.044*** (0.000)3.087*** (0.000) 3.043*** (0.000) 3.039*** (0.000) 3.089*** (0.000) 3.043*** (0.000) 3.031*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) -0.391 (0.604)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) 0.033 (0.857)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes 0.967 (0.114)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -0.871 (0.481)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -0.402 (0.733)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad -1.561 (0.604)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -0.207 (0.874)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied 1.871 (0.188)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied 1.257 (0.335)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 1.607 (0.242)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied 2.184 (0.093)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied 1.416 (0.292)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied 0.849 (0.662)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) -0.696 (0.394)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.378 (0.098)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.117* (0.048)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 0.296 (0.782)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright -0.682 (0.469)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by -0.919 (0.341)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult -1.510 (0.213)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult -1.024 (0.521)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 -0.162 (0.498)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) -0.159 (0.798)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) -0.015 (0.162)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 -0.062 (0.275)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) -1.040 (0.260)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.024 0.024 0.024 0.026 0.025 0.026 0.025 0.026 0.026 0.024 0.025 0.025 0.024 0.025 0.025 0.025

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

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Regressions - Policy: Green Nd (Before Explanation)

Popularity of Green Nd: 1) Full Regression

Green Nd
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 68.833*** (0.000)63.761*** (0.000)67.502*** (0.000)69.099*** (0.000)67.868*** (0.000)68.400*** (0.000)68.788*** (0.000)66.700*** (0.000)67.526*** (0.000)68.896*** (0.000)64.864*** (0.000)66.771*** (0.000)70.275*** (0.000)59.701*** (0.000)67.521*** (0.000)64.845*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.206*** (0.000)-0.196*** (0.000)-0.200*** (0.000)-0.209*** (0.000)-0.206*** (0.000)-0.195*** (0.000)-0.206*** (0.000)-0.195*** (0.000)-0.199*** (0.000)-0.206*** (0.000)-0.201*** (0.000)-0.196*** (0.000)-0.210*** (0.000)-0.177*** (0.000)-0.199*** (0.000)-0.196*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Labour 18.835*** (0.000)18.591*** (0.000)18.693*** (0.000)18.859*** (0.000)18.844*** (0.000)18.566*** (0.000)18.832*** (0.000)18.657*** (0.000)18.732*** (0.000)18.844*** (0.000)18.611*** (0.000)18.682*** (0.000)18.897*** (0.000)18.573*** (0.000)18.745*** (0.000)18.695*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): LibDem 19.392*** (0.000)19.157*** (0.000)19.305*** (0.000)19.409*** (0.000)19.484*** (0.000)18.834*** (0.000)19.390*** (0.000)19.242*** (0.000)19.305*** (0.000)19.403*** (0.000)19.258*** (0.000)19.280*** (0.000)19.483*** (0.000)19.248*** (0.000)19.311*** (0.000)19.414*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Nat/Green 26.740*** (0.000)26.380*** (0.000)26.575*** (0.000)26.760*** (0.000)26.764*** (0.000)26.268*** (0.000)26.737*** (0.000)26.438*** (0.000)26.541*** (0.000)26.748*** (0.000)26.527*** (0.000)26.503*** (0.000)26.819*** (0.000)26.445*** (0.000)26.583*** (0.000)26.639*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): No Vote/DK/Refused 6.062** (0.002) 5.796** (0.004) 5.948** (0.003) 6.079** (0.002) 6.063** (0.002) 5.807** (0.004) 6.060** (0.002) 5.899** (0.003) 5.965** (0.003) 6.070** (0.002) 5.897** (0.003) 5.909** (0.003) 6.113** (0.002) 5.769** (0.004) 5.969** (0.003) 5.950** (0.003)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Other/Brexit 13.291*** (0.001)12.895*** (0.001)13.164*** (0.001)13.310*** (0.001)13.373*** (0.001)13.339*** (0.001)13.288*** (0.001)13.025*** (0.001)13.107*** (0.001)13.298*** (0.001)13.093*** (0.001)13.072*** (0.001)13.371*** (0.001)12.937*** (0.001)13.152*** (0.001)13.218*** (0.001)
Not Ethnically British (Q66.4) 1.670 (0.234) 1.700 (0.225) 1.718 (0.221) 1.695 (0.231) 1.616 (0.250) 1.826 (0.193) 1.670 (0.234) 1.732 (0.217) 1.718 (0.221) 1.669 (0.234) 1.650 (0.240) 1.718 (0.221) 1.639 (0.243) 1.604 (0.252) 1.704 (0.225) 1.710 (0.222)
Working or Self Employed (inc. part-time) (Q66.7) -0.004 (0.997) -0.047 (0.970) 0.068 (0.956) -0.023 (0.985) 0.031 (0.980) -0.028 (0.982) -0.003 (0.998) 0.039 (0.975) 0.062 (0.960) -0.023 (0.985) -0.041 (0.974) 0.058 (0.963) -0.049 (0.968) 0.089 (0.942) 0.080 (0.949) 0.037 (0.976)
Log of household annual net income (Q66.6) 0.205 (0.786) 0.627 (0.425) 0.438 (0.598) 0.178 (0.819) 0.189 (0.805) 0.655 (0.424) 0.208 (0.788) 0.293 (0.700) 0.263 (0.730) 0.202 (0.790) 0.486 (0.549) 0.293 (0.701) 0.094 (0.907) 0.811 (0.303) 0.266 (0.728) 0.507 (0.511)
From Redwall Constituency 1.016 (0.349) 0.974 (0.370) 0.991 (0.362) 1.003 (0.358) 0.965 (0.376) 0.975 (0.369) 1.016 (0.349) 1.049 (0.334) 1.031 (0.343) 1.019 (0.348) 1.030 (0.343) 1.018 (0.349) 1.024 (0.346) 1.102 (0.310) 1.016 (0.350) 1.097 (0.312)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -8.597 (0.093) -8.923 (0.081) -8.688 (0.090) -8.585 (0.094) -8.266 (0.108) -8.817 (0.085) -8.600 (0.093) -8.781 (0.087) -8.703 (0.089) -8.566 (0.095) -8.793 (0.087) -8.749 (0.088) -8.488 (0.098) -8.295 (0.105) -8.699 (0.090) -8.512 (0.096)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -3.626*** (0.001)-3.686*** (0.000)-3.631*** (0.001)-3.620*** (0.001)-3.608*** (0.001)-3.712*** (0.000)-3.627*** (0.001)-3.491*** (0.001)-3.538*** (0.001)-3.629*** (0.001)-3.556*** (0.001)-3.540*** (0.001)-3.610*** (0.001)-3.457*** (0.001)-3.568*** (0.001)-3.581*** (0.001)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 2.742* (0.050)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.251 (0.498)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes 0.182 (0.884)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair 1.189 (0.587)
General Health (Q66.13): Good 0.988 (0.639)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 7.063 (0.182)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good 1.277 (0.584)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -3.445 (0.171)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -5.240* (0.025)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -6.692** (0.007)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -3.441 (0.150)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -5.800* (0.022)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -2.088 (0.559)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 0.031 (0.984)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.432 (0.316)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.076 (0.492)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') -0.172 (0.928)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 0.523 (0.756)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 1.836 (0.302)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 0.981 (0.661)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 1.529 (0.605)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.384 (0.394)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) -0.494 (0.682)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.056** (0.007)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.065 (0.548)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 3.188 (0.057)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.137 0.139 0.137 0.137 0.138 0.142 0.137 0.137 0.137 0.137 0.138 0.137 0.137 0.140 0.137 0.139

text version | latex version

p- values in parenthesis. Results are relative to:

Popularity of Green Nd: 2): Short Regressions

Green Nd
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 87.844*** (0.000)86.785*** (0.000)89.995*** (0.000)87.888*** (0.000)87.593*** (0.000)92.626*** (0.000)87.624*** (0.000)85.145*** (0.000)86.136*** (0.000)87.784*** (0.000)85.648*** (0.000)85.427*** (0.000)87.580*** (0.000)85.195*** (0.000)86.386*** (0.000)87.050*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.279*** (0.000)-0.268*** (0.000)-0.269*** (0.000)-0.271*** (0.000)-0.278*** (0.000)-0.269*** (0.000)-0.277*** (0.000)-0.257*** (0.000)-0.263*** (0.000)-0.279*** (0.000)-0.270*** (0.000)-0.261*** (0.000)-0.277*** (0.000)-0.255*** (0.000)-0.265*** (0.000)-0.270*** (0.000)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -4.902 (0.360) -5.470 (0.307) -5.275 (0.325) -4.965 (0.354) -4.736 (0.378) -5.411 (0.312) -5.021 (0.349) -5.460 (0.308) -5.310 (0.321) -5.035 (0.348) -5.416 (0.313) -5.348 (0.318) -5.057 (0.346) -4.813 (0.368) -5.248 (0.327) -4.919 (0.358)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -3.664*** (0.001)-3.726*** (0.001)-3.663*** (0.001)-3.688*** (0.001)-3.628*** (0.001)-3.747*** (0.001)-3.667*** (0.001) -3.367** (0.002) -3.433** (0.002)-3.649*** (0.001) -3.560** (0.001) -3.473** (0.002)-3.679*** (0.001) -3.509** (0.001) -3.519** (0.001)-3.622*** (0.001)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 3.113* (0.027)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.495 (0.152)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -0.615 (0.620)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair 0.379 (0.868)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -0.169 (0.938)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 6.079 (0.275)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good 0.545 (0.822)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -4.169 (0.112)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -6.080* (0.012)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -7.518** (0.003)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -4.141 (0.084)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -6.873** (0.006)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -2.380 (0.513)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 0.732 (0.631)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.904* (0.043)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.187 (0.104)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 0.684 (0.729)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 1.004 (0.565)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 2.942 (0.101)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 2.004 (0.376)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 3.244 (0.274)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.773 (0.097)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 0.487 (0.678)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.052* (0.012)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.145 (0.191)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 3.222 (0.061)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.037 0.039 0.038 0.037 0.038 0.043 0.037 0.039 0.038 0.037 0.039 0.038 0.037 0.040 0.038 0.039

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Popularity of Green Nd: 3): Very Short Regressions

Green Nd
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
(Intercept) 72.147*** (0.000)78.188*** (0.000)75.554*** (0.000)72.771*** (0.000)79.364*** (0.000)72.625*** (0.000)69.624*** (0.000)70.929*** (0.000)72.919*** (0.000)69.919*** (0.000)69.363*** (0.000)72.384*** (0.000)70.366*** (0.000)70.873*** (0.000)72.404*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 4.471** (0.002)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.991** (0.004)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -4.036*** (0.000)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -0.326 (0.888)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -0.114 (0.959)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 7.366 (0.193)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good 1.562 (0.523)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -4.244 (0.111)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -6.588** (0.007)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -8.970*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -5.082* (0.037)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -9.352*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -7.106 (0.051)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 2.353 (0.125)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.968*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.449*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 0.828 (0.679)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 1.970 (0.265)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 4.669** (0.010)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 4.685* (0.039)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 5.929* (0.048)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.875*** (0.000)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 1.797 (0.125)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.095*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.402*** (0.000)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 5.072** (0.003)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.005 0.004 0.006 0.002 0.010 0.001 0.011 0.008 0.000 0.005 0.009 0.001 0.011 0.007 0.004

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Change in Popularity of Green Nd: By Argument

Green Nd
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 1.720*** (0.001)1.730** (0.001)2.472** (0.007)1.789** (0.003)2.783** (0.005) 1.829 (0.071)1.845*** (0.001)1.579* (0.012)1.598** (0.006)1.640** (0.002)2.331** (0.004)1.571* (0.017)1.592** (0.004)1.778** (0.002)1.533** (0.009)1.713** (0.001)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -1.026 (0.657) -1.016 (0.661) -1.153 (0.619) -1.045 (0.652) -1.262 (0.587)-1.021 (0.660) -0.898 (0.698)-1.083 (0.640) -1.089 (0.638) -1.184 (0.610) -1.115 (0.630)-1.076 (0.642) -1.159 (0.617) -1.023 (0.658) -1.118 (0.629) -1.027 (0.657)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -0.038 (0.936) -0.037 (0.937) -0.039 (0.934) -0.043 (0.928) -0.032 (0.945)-0.040 (0.933) -0.035 (0.942)-0.014 (0.976) -0.010 (0.984) -0.020 (0.967) -0.017 (0.972)-0.021 (0.964) -0.050 (0.916) -0.044 (0.927) -0.008 (0.987) -0.038 (0.937)
Shown Relative Gains Argument -0.741 (0.267) -0.743 (0.267) -0.711 (0.288) -0.733 (0.273) -0.747 (0.264)-0.727 (0.278) -0.777 (0.245)-0.734 (0.272) -0.736 (0.271) -0.731 (0.274) -0.795 (0.234)-0.729 (0.276) -0.722 (0.280) -0.746 (0.265) -0.719 (0.282) -0.740 (0.268)
Shown Flourishing Argument -1.038 (0.120) -1.039 (0.119) -1.030 (0.123) -1.038 (0.120) -1.020 (0.127)-1.023 (0.126) -1.062 (0.112)-1.036 (0.120) -1.039 (0.119) -1.032 (0.122) -1.061 (0.112)-1.035 (0.121) -1.041 (0.118) -1.041 (0.119) -1.036 (0.120) -1.037 (0.120)
Shown Security Argument 1.447* (0.030) 1.445* (0.030) 1.460* (0.028) 1.450* (0.030) 1.450* (0.030)1.465* (0.028) 1.420* (0.033)1.450* (0.030) 1.451* (0.029) 1.453* (0.029) 1.379* (0.039)1.455* (0.029) 1.454* (0.029) 1.445* (0.030) 1.459* (0.029) 1.448* (0.030)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) -0.048 (0.937)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.145 (0.323)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -0.110 (0.823)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -0.894 (0.366)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -1.345 (0.154)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad -2.413 (0.316)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -0.940 (0.367)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -0.244 (0.830)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -0.240 (0.818)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 0.072 (0.948)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -0.315 (0.762)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied 0.395 (0.714)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -1.254 (0.420)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) -0.688 (0.292)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.075 (0.685)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.023 (0.625)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 0.815 (0.340)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright -1.161 (0.123)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 0.145 (0.851)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult -1.101 (0.256)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult -1.312 (0.303)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.070 (0.715)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 0.385 (0.441)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) -0.002 (0.826)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.031 (0.494)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 0.056 (0.940)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.012 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

text version | latex version

Change in Popularity of Green Nd: Genderless By Argument

Green Nd
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 1.697*** (0.000)1.710*** (0.001)2.426** (0.007)1.758** (0.002)2.724** (0.005) 1.793 (0.070)1.827*** (0.000)1.576** (0.006)1.594** (0.002)1.626*** (0.001)2.324** (0.003)1.566* (0.010)1.569** (0.002)1.752** (0.001)1.531** (0.004)1.690*** (0.000)
Shown Relative Gains Argument -0.745 (0.264) -0.747 (0.263) -0.716 (0.284) -0.738 (0.269) -0.751 (0.261)-0.732 (0.274) -0.782 (0.242) -0.738 (0.269) -0.739 (0.269) -0.735 (0.271) -0.799 (0.231)-0.733 (0.273) -0.728 (0.276) -0.750 (0.261) -0.723 (0.279) -0.744 (0.265)
Shown Flourishing Argument -1.049 (0.115) -1.050 (0.115) -1.042 (0.118) -1.049 (0.115) -1.033 (0.121)-1.035 (0.121) -1.072 (0.108) -1.048 (0.116) -1.050 (0.115) -1.044 (0.117) -1.072 (0.107)-1.046 (0.116) -1.054 (0.114) -1.052 (0.114) -1.047 (0.116) -1.048 (0.116)
Shown Security Argument 1.441* (0.030) 1.438* (0.031) 1.453* (0.029) 1.444* (0.030) 1.443* (0.030)1.458* (0.029) 1.415* (0.034) 1.444* (0.030) 1.445* (0.030) 1.446* (0.030) 1.372* (0.039)1.448* (0.030) 1.447* (0.030) 1.439* (0.031) 1.452* (0.029) 1.442* (0.030)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) -0.062 (0.918)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.141 (0.336)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -0.100 (0.838)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -0.856 (0.385)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -1.306 (0.164)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad -2.357 (0.326)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -0.893 (0.389)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -0.244 (0.830)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -0.228 (0.826)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 0.088 (0.936)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -0.299 (0.773)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied 0.411 (0.702)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -1.233 (0.428)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) -0.702 (0.281)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.069 (0.705)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.022 (0.642)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 0.784 (0.357)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright -1.160 (0.123)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 0.135 (0.861)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult -1.122 (0.246)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult -1.331 (0.295)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.065 (0.734)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 0.366 (0.463)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) -0.002 (0.826)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.030 (0.511)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 0.054 (0.942)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.008 0.008 0.009 0.008 0.010 0.009 0.009 0.008 0.009 0.009 0.012 0.008 0.009 0.008 0.009 0.008

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

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Regressions - Policy: Utilities (Before Explanation)

Popularity of Utilities: 1) Full Regression

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 83.102*** (0.000)72.829*** (0.000)74.914*** (0.000)82.833*** (0.000)84.909*** (0.000)76.655*** (0.000)79.064*** (0.000)78.326*** (0.000)77.827*** (0.000)81.194*** (0.000)68.764*** (0.000)77.643*** (0.000)73.627*** (0.000)66.242*** (0.000)77.743*** (0.000)75.038*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.019 (0.595) 0.002 (0.967) 0.021 (0.584) -0.017 (0.671) -0.017 (0.645) 0.011 (0.771) -0.009 (0.812) 0.006 (0.878) 0.011 (0.771) -0.014 (0.700) 0.003 (0.926) 0.007 (0.864) 0.003 (0.943) 0.034 (0.365) 0.010 (0.796) 0.002 (0.961)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Labour 15.987*** (0.000)15.494*** (0.000)15.113*** (0.000)15.963*** (0.000)15.616*** (0.000)15.379*** (0.000)15.755*** (0.000)15.589*** (0.000)15.572*** (0.000)15.713*** (0.000)15.176*** (0.000)15.582*** (0.000)15.575*** (0.000)15.503*** (0.000)15.619*** (0.000)15.703*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): LibDem 14.824*** (0.000)14.347*** (0.000)14.290*** (0.000)14.806*** (0.000)14.424*** (0.000)14.056*** (0.000)14.678*** (0.000)14.487*** (0.000)14.474*** (0.000)14.491*** (0.000)14.439*** (0.000)14.528*** (0.000)14.224*** (0.000)14.558*** (0.000)14.494*** (0.000)14.869*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Nat/Green 17.288*** (0.000)16.558*** (0.000)16.274*** (0.000)17.267*** (0.000)16.986*** (0.000)16.357*** (0.000)17.001*** (0.000)16.611*** (0.000)16.482*** (0.000)17.050*** (0.000)16.510*** (0.000)16.660*** (0.000)16.767*** (0.000)16.743*** (0.000)16.646*** (0.000)17.084*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): No Vote/DK/Refused 8.123*** (0.000) 7.583*** (0.000) 7.417*** (0.000) 8.105*** (0.000) 7.797*** (0.000) 7.460*** (0.000) 7.906*** (0.000) 7.756*** (0.000) 7.729*** (0.000) 7.903*** (0.000) 7.523*** (0.000) 7.718*** (0.000) 7.791*** (0.000) 7.582*** (0.000) 7.742*** (0.000) 7.895*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Other/Brexit 21.147*** (0.000)20.345*** (0.000)20.364*** (0.000)21.127*** (0.000)20.785*** (0.000)20.711*** (0.000)20.946*** (0.000)20.553*** (0.000)20.405*** (0.000)20.919*** (0.000)20.393*** (0.000)20.569*** (0.000)20.619*** (0.000)20.494*** (0.000)20.582*** (0.000)21.000*** (0.000)
Not Ethnically British (Q66.4) 0.045 (0.974) 0.105 (0.938) 0.342 (0.802) 0.019 (0.989) 0.029 (0.983) 0.174 (0.898) 0.086 (0.950) 0.185 (0.893) 0.240 (0.861) 0.074 (0.957) -0.009 (0.995) 0.171 (0.901) 0.245 (0.858) -0.077 (0.955) 0.183 (0.894) 0.127 (0.926)
Working or Self Employed (inc. part-time) (Q66.7) -0.838 (0.488) -0.925 (0.443) -0.392 (0.745) -0.819 (0.501) -0.146 (0.905) -1.096 (0.364) -0.778 (0.520) -0.742 (0.540) -0.573 (0.636) -0.267 (0.827) -0.829 (0.493) -0.674 (0.578) -0.541 (0.655) -0.666 (0.580) -0.494 (0.684) -0.756 (0.531)
Log of household annual net income (Q66.6) -1.762* (0.017) -0.906 (0.236) -0.329 (0.684) -1.735* (0.023) -1.558* (0.036) -0.700 (0.381) -1.447 (0.056) -1.565* (0.035) -1.528* (0.040) -1.659* (0.025) -0.698 (0.376) -1.529* (0.040) -1.035 (0.186) -0.642 (0.401) -1.512* (0.042) -1.150 (0.126)
From Redwall Constituency 1.141 (0.282) 1.055 (0.318) 0.985 (0.351) 1.155 (0.278) 0.946 (0.373) 1.088 (0.303) 1.145 (0.280) 1.214 (0.252) 1.199 (0.257) 1.055 (0.319) 1.137 (0.282) 1.146 (0.280) 1.087 (0.305) 1.299 (0.218) 1.141 (0.282) 1.305 (0.217)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) 3.284 (0.511) 2.624 (0.599) 2.726 (0.584) 3.272 (0.513) 2.495 (0.619) 2.591 (0.603) 2.966 (0.553) 2.873 (0.565) 2.857 (0.567) 2.353 (0.638) 2.555 (0.609) 2.880 (0.564) 2.570 (0.607) 3.842 (0.440) 2.865 (0.566) 3.455 (0.488)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -1.413 (0.168) -1.534 (0.133) -1.442 (0.158) -1.420 (0.166) -1.353 (0.186) -1.477 (0.149) -1.430 (0.163) -1.109 (0.282) -1.054 (0.306) -1.328 (0.195) -1.284 (0.210) -1.185 (0.249) -1.523 (0.137) -1.101 (0.281) -1.176 (0.252) -1.321 (0.196)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 5.554*** (0.000)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.546*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -0.183 (0.881)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -3.377 (0.114)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -5.058* (0.014)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 5.264 (0.307)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -5.012* (0.028)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -0.850 (0.729)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -5.146* (0.024)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -8.499*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -4.740* (0.042)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -7.789** (0.002)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -6.101 (0.080)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 2.800 (0.054)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.968* (0.021)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.309** (0.004)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 5.195** (0.005)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 1.383 (0.398)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 4.331* (0.012)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 3.827 (0.079)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 9.562*** (0.001)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.018* (0.021)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 3.244** (0.006)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.104*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.265* (0.012)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 6.447*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.060 0.068 0.069 0.060 0.065 0.072 0.062 0.063 0.064 0.064 0.068 0.063 0.064 0.072 0.063 0.067

text version | latex version

p- values in parenthesis. Results are relative to:

Popularity of Utilities: 2): Short Regressions

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 78.017*** (0.000)75.706*** (0.000)86.347*** (0.000)78.135*** (0.000)83.610*** (0.000) 83.246*** (0.000)76.735*** (0.000)73.581*** (0.000)74.046*** (0.000)77.447*** (0.000)72.769*** (0.000)73.179*** (0.000)75.420*** (0.000)72.200*** (0.000)74.178*** (0.000)76.191*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.050 (0.127) -0.027 (0.420) -0.013 (0.695) -0.030 (0.406) -0.056 (0.090) -0.015 (0.647) -0.037 (0.270) -0.015 (0.673) -0.013 (0.697) -0.051 (0.122) -0.023 (0.498) -0.015 (0.673) -0.028 (0.408) 0.003 (0.933) -0.015 (0.666) -0.031 (0.356)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) 5.319 (0.297) 4.080 (0.421) 3.873 (0.444) 5.152 (0.312) 4.116 (0.419) 3.929 (0.438) 4.627 (0.363) 4.401 (0.387) 4.369 (0.390) 4.060 (0.425) 3.858 (0.447) 4.425 (0.384) 3.796 (0.455) 5.515 (0.275) 4.409 (0.386) 5.281 (0.298)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -1.647 (0.114) -1.782 (0.086) -1.641 (0.113) -1.711 (0.101) -1.530 (0.142) -1.688 (0.104) -1.663 (0.110) -1.158 (0.270) -1.108 (0.291) -1.499 (0.150) -1.468 (0.158) -1.265 (0.227) -1.786 (0.086) -1.306 (0.208) -1.264 (0.227) -1.550 (0.136)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 6.791*** (0.000)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.918*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -1.634 (0.166)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -4.201 (0.053)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -6.621** (0.001)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 4.382 (0.406)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -6.512** (0.005)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -1.955 (0.431)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -6.678** (0.003)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -10.108*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -6.759** (0.003)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -10.044*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -8.095* (0.019)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 4.258** (0.003)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.486*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.434*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 6.480*** (0.001)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 2.043 (0.215)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 5.876*** (0.001)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 5.509* (0.010)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 12.355*** (0.000)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.548*** (0.000)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 4.788*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.115*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.381*** (0.000)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 7.415*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.003 0.016 0.020 0.004 0.012 0.020 0.008 0.009 0.011 0.009 0.018 0.009 0.013 0.020 0.010 0.014

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Popularity of Utilities: 3): Very Short Regressions

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
(Intercept) 73.638*** (0.000)85.228*** (0.000)76.218*** (0.000)80.507*** (0.000) 81.909*** (0.000)74.243*** (0.000)72.172*** (0.000)72.807*** (0.000)74.384*** (0.000)70.854*** (0.000)71.695*** (0.000)73.282*** (0.000)71.756*** (0.000)72.777*** (0.000)74.061*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 6.951*** (0.000)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.959*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -2.002 (0.063)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -4.582* (0.034)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -6.830*** (0.001)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 4.493 (0.394)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -6.552** (0.004)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -2.041 (0.411)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -6.671** (0.003)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -10.262*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -6.927** (0.002)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -10.315*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -8.552* (0.012)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 4.549** (0.002)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.622*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.466*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 6.718*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 2.186 (0.184)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 6.183*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 5.900** (0.005)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 12.701*** (0.000)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.682*** (0.000)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 4.950*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.116*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.412*** (0.000)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 7.677*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.014 0.018 0.002 0.009 0.018 0.005 0.008 0.010 0.006 0.017 0.008 0.010 0.018 0.009 0.011

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Change in Popularity of Utilities: By Argument

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 3.931*** (0.000)4.041*** (0.000) 3.243** (0.001)4.345*** (0.000)3.970*** (0.000) 1.777 (0.112)3.979*** (0.000)4.000*** (0.000)4.191*** (0.000)3.922*** (0.000)3.914*** (0.000)4.251*** (0.000)4.214*** (0.000)4.386*** (0.000)4.342*** (0.000)4.139*** (0.000)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -3.201 (0.208) -3.071 (0.227) -3.088 (0.225) -3.315 (0.192) -3.200 (0.210) -3.102 (0.223) -3.134 (0.218) -3.173 (0.213) -3.072 (0.227) -3.219 (0.206) -2.961 (0.245) -3.092 (0.224) -2.912 (0.253) -3.175 (0.211) -3.002 (0.238) -3.154 (0.214)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -1.586** (0.002)-1.574** (0.002)-1.586** (0.002)-1.612** (0.002)-1.573** (0.003)-1.563** (0.003)-1.585** (0.002)-1.597** (0.002)-1.641** (0.002)-1.584** (0.002)-1.607** (0.002)-1.621** (0.002)-1.561** (0.003)-1.629** (0.002)-1.650** (0.002)-1.607** (0.002)
Shown Relative Gains Argument 0.871 (0.233) 0.879 (0.228) 0.862 (0.238) 0.870 (0.233) 0.880 (0.228) 0.940 (0.198) 0.888 (0.224) 0.864 (0.237) 0.827 (0.258) 0.874 (0.232) 0.806 (0.272) 0.835 (0.254) 0.838 (0.250) 0.838 (0.250) 0.800 (0.274) 0.884 (0.225)
Shown Flourishing Argument -0.950 (0.194) -0.961 (0.189) -0.946 (0.195) -0.945 (0.196) -0.949 (0.195) -0.916 (0.211) -0.938 (0.200) -0.957 (0.191) -0.986 (0.178) -0.949 (0.194) -0.992 (0.176) -0.975 (0.183) -0.960 (0.189) -0.996 (0.173) -0.987 (0.177) -0.988 (0.176)
Shown Security Argument -0.125 (0.864) -0.125 (0.864) -0.138 (0.849) -0.104 (0.886) -0.132 (0.856) -0.095 (0.896) -0.118 (0.871) -0.129 (0.859) -0.153 (0.834) -0.123 (0.866) -0.180 (0.805) -0.145 (0.842) -0.150 (0.837) -0.155 (0.832) -0.161 (0.825) -0.130 (0.858)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) -0.618 (0.350)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) 0.132 (0.414)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -0.639 (0.234)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -0.463 (0.670)
General Health (Q66.13): Good 0.163 (0.875)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 0.296 (0.911)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -0.015 (0.990)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied 2.486* (0.046)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied 2.356* (0.039)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 3.233** (0.007)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied 1.935 (0.089)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied 1.795 (0.128)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied 1.126 (0.508)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) -0.377 (0.598)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.034 (0.865)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.045 (0.387)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 0.092 (0.922)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 0.575 (0.485)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by -0.367 (0.666)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult -0.504 (0.635)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 0.335 (0.810)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 -0.147 (0.486)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) -0.835 (0.127)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) -0.015 (0.120)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 -0.066 (0.190)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) -1.657* (0.040)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.008 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.013 0.008 0.008 0.009 0.008 0.010 0.009 0.009 0.010 0.009 0.010

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

text version | latex version

Change in Popularity of Utilities: Genderless By Argument

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 3.208*** (0.000)3.340*** (0.000)2.479* (0.012)3.554*** (0.000)3.260** (0.002) 1.037 (0.343)3.262*** (0.000)3.157*** (0.000)3.358*** (0.000)3.195*** (0.000)3.100*** (0.000)3.410*** (0.000)3.534*** (0.000)3.601*** (0.000)3.523*** (0.000)3.402*** (0.000)
Shown Relative Gains Argument 0.796 (0.276) 0.806 (0.270) 0.787 (0.282) 0.794 (0.277) 0.808 (0.270) 0.873 (0.232) 0.815 (0.265) 0.802 (0.273) 0.767 (0.295) 0.800 (0.274) 0.738 (0.315) 0.771 (0.292) 0.762 (0.297) 0.765 (0.295) 0.736 (0.315) 0.808 (0.268)
Shown Flourishing Argument -1.036 (0.156) -1.046 (0.153)-1.030 (0.159) -1.034 (0.157) -1.037 (0.157) -0.996 (0.174) -1.022 (0.162) -1.030 (0.160) -1.058 (0.148) -1.036 (0.157) -1.070 (0.145) -1.052 (0.151) -1.041 (0.154) -1.078 (0.141) -1.065 (0.145) -1.073 (0.142)
Shown Security Argument -0.158 (0.828) -0.158 (0.829)-0.172 (0.813) -0.141 (0.847) -0.166 (0.820) -0.117 (0.872) -0.150 (0.837) -0.154 (0.833) -0.176 (0.809) -0.156 (0.831) -0.208 (0.776) -0.172 (0.814) -0.185 (0.800) -0.186 (0.799) -0.189 (0.796) -0.164 (0.822)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) -0.700 (0.290)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) 0.140 (0.386)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -0.552 (0.304)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -0.505 (0.641)
General Health (Q66.13): Good 0.155 (0.881)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 0.561 (0.832)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good 0.015 (0.990)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied 2.415 (0.053)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied 2.463* (0.031)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 3.278** (0.006)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied 1.939 (0.088)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied 1.790 (0.129)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied 1.105 (0.516)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) -0.419 (0.558)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.027 (0.891)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.029 (0.579)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 0.138 (0.883)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 0.661 (0.423)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by -0.251 (0.767)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult -0.444 (0.676)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 0.341 (0.807)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 -0.098 (0.642)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) -0.921 (0.092)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) -0.013 (0.161)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 -0.054 (0.280)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) -1.615* (0.046)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.008 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.005 0.003 0.005 0.004 0.004 0.005

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

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Regressions - Policy: Health (Before Explanation)

Popularity of Health: 1) Full Regression

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 95.235*** (0.000)86.656*** (0.000)87.074*** (0.000)93.324*** (0.000)96.726*** (0.000)90.211*** (0.000)92.749*** (0.000)89.863*** (0.000)89.739*** (0.000)93.136*** (0.000)80.822*** (0.000)88.182*** (0.000)86.423*** (0.000)77.990*** (0.000)89.168*** (0.000)86.934*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.159*** (0.000)-0.141*** (0.000) -0.119** (0.001)-0.141*** (0.000)-0.156*** (0.000)-0.135*** (0.000)-0.152*** (0.000)-0.130*** (0.000)-0.127*** (0.001)-0.153*** (0.000)-0.140*** (0.000)-0.125*** (0.001)-0.138*** (0.000) -0.104** (0.005)-0.126*** (0.001)-0.137*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Labour 17.265*** (0.000)16.853*** (0.000)16.394*** (0.000)17.095*** (0.000)16.851*** (0.000)16.725*** (0.000)17.122*** (0.000)16.818*** (0.000)16.833*** (0.000)16.964*** (0.000)16.440*** (0.000)16.742*** (0.000)16.882*** (0.000)16.771*** (0.000)16.849*** (0.000)16.974*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): LibDem 16.701*** (0.000)16.303*** (0.000)16.169*** (0.000)16.576*** (0.000)16.293*** (0.000)16.369*** (0.000)16.611*** (0.000)16.322*** (0.000)16.336*** (0.000)16.334*** (0.000)16.361*** (0.000)16.319*** (0.000)16.143*** (0.000)16.429*** (0.000)16.328*** (0.000)16.747*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Nat/Green 18.638*** (0.000)18.028*** (0.000)17.627*** (0.000)18.491*** (0.000)18.311*** (0.000)17.891*** (0.000)18.461*** (0.000)17.876*** (0.000)17.799*** (0.000)18.376*** (0.000)17.822*** (0.000)17.827*** (0.000)18.154*** (0.000)18.080*** (0.000)17.911*** (0.000)18.428*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): No Vote/DK/Refused 8.592*** (0.000) 8.141*** (0.000) 7.889*** (0.000) 8.471*** (0.000) 8.223*** (0.000) 8.039*** (0.000) 8.459*** (0.000) 8.180*** (0.000) 8.183*** (0.000) 8.350*** (0.000) 7.931*** (0.000) 8.069*** (0.000) 8.283*** (0.000) 8.039*** (0.000) 8.161*** (0.000) 8.358*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Other/Brexit 19.189*** (0.000)18.519*** (0.000)18.409*** (0.000)19.048*** (0.000)18.814*** (0.000)18.691*** (0.000)19.065*** (0.000)18.520*** (0.000)18.416*** (0.000)18.938*** (0.000)18.556*** (0.000)18.442*** (0.000)18.698*** (0.000)18.521*** (0.000)18.549*** (0.000)19.038*** (0.000)
Not Ethnically British (Q66.4) -0.349 (0.794) -0.298 (0.823) -0.053 (0.969) -0.531 (0.694) -0.391 (0.769) -0.350 (0.793) -0.324 (0.809) -0.191 (0.886) -0.146 (0.913) -0.317 (0.812) -0.420 (0.753) -0.186 (0.889) -0.163 (0.903) -0.473 (0.721) -0.192 (0.885) -0.264 (0.843)
Working or Self Employed (inc. part-time) (Q66.7) -1.346 (0.254) -1.419 (0.228) -0.902 (0.444) -1.209 (0.308) -0.551 (0.645) -1.515 (0.200) -1.309 (0.267) -1.238 (0.294) -1.070 (0.365) -0.717 (0.548) -1.482 (0.210) -1.134 (0.336) -1.070 (0.366) -1.170 (0.318) -0.957 (0.420) -1.262 (0.283)
Log of household annual net income (Q66.6) -1.858** (0.010) -1.144 (0.126) -0.430 (0.585) -1.668* (0.024) -1.633* (0.024) -0.980 (0.209) -1.664* (0.024) -1.637* (0.024) -1.615* (0.026) -1.745* (0.015) -0.869 (0.259) -1.557* (0.032) -1.182 (0.122) -0.713 (0.339) -1.576* (0.030) -1.229 (0.094)
From Redwall Constituency 1.520 (0.142) 1.449 (0.161) 1.364 (0.186) 1.619 (0.119) 1.271 (0.220) 1.473 (0.154) 1.522 (0.141) 1.603 (0.121) 1.581 (0.126) 1.426 (0.167) 1.514 (0.143) 1.526 (0.140) 1.470 (0.155) 1.681 (0.102) 1.520 (0.141) 1.689 (0.102)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -8.534 (0.080) -9.085 (0.062) -9.090 (0.061) -8.617 (0.077) -9.260 (0.058) -9.021 (0.064) -8.730 (0.074) -8.996 (0.065) -8.979 (0.065) -9.559 (0.050) -9.106 (0.062) -9.055 (0.063) -9.198 (0.059) -7.963 (0.100) -9.008 (0.065) -8.358 (0.086)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -4.172*** (0.000)-4.273*** (0.000)-4.200*** (0.000)-4.218*** (0.000)-4.098*** (0.000)-4.259*** (0.000)-4.182*** (0.000)-3.830*** (0.000)-3.798*** (0.000)-4.078*** (0.000)-3.989*** (0.000)-3.877*** (0.000)-4.274*** (0.000)-3.853*** (0.000)-3.904*** (0.000)-4.078*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 4.639*** (0.000)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.541*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -1.302 (0.273)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -3.117 (0.134)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -5.163** (0.010)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 9.441 (0.060)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -5.036* (0.023)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -1.049 (0.662)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -5.671* (0.011)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -5.037* (0.033)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -4.250 (0.062)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -6.801** (0.005)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -6.829* (0.045)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 1.724 (0.224)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.088** (0.008)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.322** (0.002)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 5.718** (0.002)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 3.085 (0.054)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 5.648*** (0.001)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 4.926* (0.020)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 7.809** (0.005)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.315** (0.002)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 3.017** (0.009)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.106*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.300** (0.003)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 6.636*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.093 0.098 0.101 0.093 0.100 0.100 0.093 0.096 0.097 0.097 0.099 0.097 0.096 0.106 0.097 0.101

text version | latex version

p- values in parenthesis. Results are relative to:

Popularity of Health: 2): Short Regressions

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 89.595*** (0.000)87.533*** (0.000)98.209*** (0.000)89.789*** (0.000)95.318*** (0.000)94.747*** (0.000)88.575*** (0.000)84.702*** (0.000)85.414*** (0.000)88.959*** (0.000)83.077*** (0.000)83.727*** (0.000)86.992*** (0.000)83.611*** (0.000)85.299*** (0.000)87.700*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.187*** (0.000)-0.166*** (0.000)-0.148*** (0.000)-0.153*** (0.000)-0.193*** (0.000)-0.156*** (0.000)-0.176*** (0.000)-0.147*** (0.000)-0.148*** (0.000)-0.187*** (0.000)-0.159*** (0.000)-0.143*** (0.000)-0.164*** (0.000)-0.132*** (0.000)-0.147*** (0.000)-0.166*** (0.000)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -6.218 (0.214) -7.324 (0.142) -7.713 (0.120) -6.494 (0.194) -7.409 (0.138) -7.351 (0.140) -6.769 (0.176) -7.231 (0.147) -7.217 (0.148) -7.622 (0.127) -7.551 (0.130) -7.302 (0.143) -7.744 (0.121) -6.016 (0.225) -7.237 (0.147) -6.258 (0.208)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -4.462*** (0.000)-4.582*** (0.000)-4.456*** (0.000)-4.568*** (0.000)-4.320*** (0.000)-4.522*** (0.000)-4.475*** (0.000)-3.923*** (0.000)-3.895*** (0.000)-4.297*** (0.000)-4.223*** (0.000)-3.999*** (0.000)-4.602*** (0.000)-4.111*** (0.000)-4.034*** (0.000)-4.362*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 6.059*** (0.000)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.983*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -2.703* (0.020)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -4.103 (0.054)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -6.936*** (0.001)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 8.617 (0.096)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -6.772** (0.003)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -2.447 (0.316)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -7.507*** (0.001)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -7.039** (0.003)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -6.666** (0.003)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -9.588*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -9.092** (0.007)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 3.387* (0.017)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.639*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.457*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 7.229*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 3.812* (0.019)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 7.378*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 6.855** (0.001)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 10.996*** (0.000)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.876*** (0.000)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 4.797*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.118*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.426*** (0.000)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 7.691*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.026 0.036 0.044 0.028 0.037 0.039 0.029 0.033 0.035 0.033 0.040 0.035 0.035 0.044 0.034 0.037

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Popularity of Health: 3): Very Short Regressions

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
(Intercept) 77.404*** (0.000)90.455*** (0.000)81.548*** (0.000)84.132*** (0.000) 85.871*** (0.000)78.007*** (0.000)74.704*** (0.000)75.818*** (0.000)78.065*** (0.000)72.642*** (0.000)73.760*** (0.000)76.853*** (0.000)74.757*** (0.000)75.611*** (0.000)77.657*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 6.786*** (0.000)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -2.243*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -4.510*** (0.000)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -4.630* (0.031)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -6.896*** (0.001)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 9.823 (0.060)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -6.015** (0.008)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -2.598 (0.292)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -7.644*** (0.001)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -7.821** (0.001)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -7.216** (0.001)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -11.048*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -11.885*** (0.000)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 4.365** (0.002)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 2.326*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.624*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 7.368*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 4.496** (0.006)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 8.552*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 8.507*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 12.586*** (0.000)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 2.545*** (0.000)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 5.439*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.143*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.584*** (0.000)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 8.889*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.013 0.025 0.009 0.011 0.018 0.005 0.017 0.018 0.008 0.020 0.019 0.013 0.028 0.017 0.015

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Change in Popularity of Health: By Argument

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 2.421*** (0.000)2.418*** (0.000)3.574*** (0.000)2.547*** (0.000) 2.725* (0.011) 2.684* (0.017)2.232*** (0.000)2.594*** (0.000)2.541*** (0.000)2.390*** (0.000) 1.608 (0.066) 2.171** (0.002)2.201*** (0.000)2.320*** (0.000)2.285*** (0.000)2.361*** (0.000)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) 4.679 (0.062) 4.676 (0.063) 4.483 (0.075) 4.644 (0.065) 4.627 (0.066) 4.712 (0.061) 4.401 (0.080) 4.750 (0.059) 4.740 (0.059) 4.620 (0.066) 4.638 (0.065) 4.591 (0.068) 4.424 (0.079) 4.674 (0.063) 4.611 (0.067) 4.666 (0.063)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -0.566 (0.271) -0.567 (0.271) -0.566 (0.271) -0.574 (0.264) -0.570 (0.268) -0.589 (0.254) -0.571 (0.266) -0.596 (0.250) -0.594 (0.252) -0.559 (0.277) -0.595 (0.247) -0.537 (0.299) -0.588 (0.253) -0.556 (0.280) -0.544 (0.292) -0.559 (0.277)
Shown Relative Gains Argument -2.072** (0.004)-2.073** (0.004)-2.099** (0.004)-2.070** (0.004)-2.065** (0.004)-2.067** (0.004)-2.131** (0.003)-2.072** (0.004)-2.075** (0.004)-2.069** (0.004)-2.126** (0.003)-2.065** (0.004)-2.103** (0.004)-2.075** (0.004)-2.064** (0.004)-2.080** (0.004)
Shown Flourishing Argument -0.247 (0.732) -0.247 (0.732) -0.243 (0.736) -0.244 (0.735) -0.267 (0.712) -0.242 (0.738) -0.343 (0.635) -0.253 (0.726) -0.257 (0.721) -0.242 (0.737) -0.347 (0.630) -0.234 (0.745) -0.247 (0.731) -0.250 (0.728) -0.235 (0.745) -0.259 (0.719)
Shown Security Argument -2.047** (0.005)-2.047** (0.005)-2.063** (0.004)-2.044** (0.005)-2.050** (0.005)-2.020** (0.005)-2.058** (0.004)-2.048** (0.005)-2.053** (0.005)-2.043** (0.005)-2.051** (0.004)-2.050** (0.005)-2.053** (0.005)-2.051** (0.005)-2.043** (0.005)-2.051** (0.005)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 0.014 (0.983)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.218 (0.172)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -0.195 (0.713)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair 0.175 (0.870)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -0.651 (0.524)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad -0.163 (0.950)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -0.195 (0.863)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -0.388 (0.753)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -0.526 (0.642)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -0.616 (0.605)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied 0.130 (0.908)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -0.216 (0.853)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied 0.062 (0.971)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 1.523* (0.031)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.093 (0.643)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.023 (0.663)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 0.303 (0.744)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 1.392 (0.088)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by -0.024 (0.977)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 1.502 (0.152)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 3.669** (0.008)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.120 (0.564)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 0.719 (0.185)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.004 (0.706)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.023 (0.646)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 0.542 (0.498)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.010 0.010 0.011 0.010 0.011 0.011 0.012 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.017 0.010 0.011 0.010 0.010 0.010

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

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Change in Popularity of Health: Genderless By Argument

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 2.240*** (0.000)2.229*** (0.000)3.483*** (0.000)2.369*** (0.000) 2.724** (0.009) 2.562* (0.019)2.037*** (0.000)2.301*** (0.000)2.281*** (0.000)2.195*** (0.000) 1.348 (0.106) 1.906** (0.004)1.989*** (0.000)2.125*** (0.000)2.050*** (0.000)2.181*** (0.000)
Shown Relative Gains Argument -2.126** (0.003)-2.127** (0.003)-2.153** (0.003)-2.123** (0.003)-2.116** (0.003)-2.124** (0.003)-2.184** (0.002)-2.126** (0.003)-2.127** (0.003)-2.119** (0.003)-2.182** (0.002)-2.113** (0.003)-2.156** (0.003)-2.129** (0.003)-2.112** (0.003)-2.134** (0.003)
Shown Flourishing Argument -0.273 (0.705) -0.274 (0.704) -0.268 (0.710) -0.270 (0.708) -0.291 (0.687) -0.270 (0.709) -0.372 (0.606) -0.275 (0.703) -0.277 (0.701) -0.265 (0.713) -0.376 (0.602) -0.253 (0.725) -0.273 (0.705) -0.276 (0.702) -0.253 (0.726) -0.285 (0.692)
Shown Security Argument -2.103** (0.004)-2.104** (0.004)-2.118** (0.003)-2.100** (0.004)-2.105** (0.004)-2.080** (0.004)-2.111** (0.003)-2.104** (0.004)-2.106** (0.004)-2.096** (0.004)-2.107** (0.004)-2.105** (0.004)-2.107** (0.004)-2.107** (0.004)-2.096** (0.004)-2.107** (0.004)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 0.063 (0.924)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.235 (0.140)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -0.206 (0.698)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -0.027 (0.980)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -0.840 (0.410)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad -0.316 (0.904)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -0.409 (0.716)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -0.429 (0.728)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -0.541 (0.633)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -0.694 (0.560)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied 0.033 (0.977)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -0.323 (0.782)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -0.082 (0.961)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 1.588* (0.025)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.035 (0.860)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.008 (0.871)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 0.479 (0.604)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 1.423 (0.081)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 0.087 (0.916)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 1.635 (0.119)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 3.776** (0.006)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.169 (0.413)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 0.774 (0.152)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.004 (0.648)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.034 (0.487)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 0.574 (0.473)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.008 0.008 0.009 0.008 0.009 0.008 0.010 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.014 0.008 0.009 0.008 0.008 0.008

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

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Regressions - Policy: Childcare (Before Explanation)

Popularity of Childcare: 1) Full Regression

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 87.652*** (0.000)80.572*** (0.000)81.730*** (0.000)80.951*** (0.000)86.686*** (0.000)84.359*** (0.000)79.309*** (0.000)83.646*** (0.000)82.920*** (0.000)87.654*** (0.000)70.108*** (0.000)81.945*** (0.000)79.458*** (0.000)65.865*** (0.000)82.612*** (0.000)79.561*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.343*** (0.000)-0.328*** (0.000)-0.314*** (0.000)-0.282*** (0.000)-0.342*** (0.000)-0.329*** (0.000)-0.321*** (0.000)-0.322*** (0.000)-0.315*** (0.000)-0.343*** (0.000)-0.308*** (0.000)-0.316*** (0.000)-0.324*** (0.000)-0.273*** (0.000)-0.315*** (0.000)-0.322*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Labour 20.779*** (0.000)20.440*** (0.000)20.147*** (0.000)20.182*** (0.000)20.715*** (0.000)20.287*** (0.000)20.300*** (0.000)20.446*** (0.000)20.407*** (0.000)20.780*** (0.000)19.787*** (0.000)20.356*** (0.000)20.423*** (0.000)20.155*** (0.000)20.434*** (0.000)20.495*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): LibDem 19.715*** (0.000)19.386*** (0.000)19.329*** (0.000)19.278*** (0.000)19.711*** (0.000)18.510*** (0.000)19.413*** (0.000)19.432*** (0.000)19.401*** (0.000)19.715*** (0.000)19.067*** (0.000)19.406*** (0.000)19.196*** (0.000)19.372*** (0.000)19.405*** (0.000)19.760*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Nat/Green 19.597*** (0.000)19.094*** (0.000)18.863*** (0.000)19.084*** (0.000)19.516*** (0.000)18.824*** (0.000)19.004*** (0.000)19.029*** (0.000)18.874*** (0.000)19.597*** (0.000)18.528*** (0.000)18.940*** (0.000)19.147*** (0.000)18.892*** (0.000)18.993*** (0.000)19.393*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): No Vote/DK/Refused 9.297*** (0.000) 8.925*** (0.000) 8.786*** (0.000) 8.872*** (0.000) 9.243*** (0.000) 8.784*** (0.000) 8.848*** (0.000) 8.990*** (0.000) 8.944*** (0.000) 9.297*** (0.000) 8.492*** (0.000) 8.874*** (0.000) 9.010*** (0.000) 8.598*** (0.000) 8.939*** (0.000) 9.068*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Other/Brexit 16.470*** (0.000)15.917*** (0.000)15.904*** (0.000)15.975*** (0.000)16.424*** (0.000)16.286*** (0.000)16.055*** (0.000)15.971*** (0.000)15.804*** (0.000)16.470*** (0.000)15.552*** (0.000)15.865*** (0.000)16.013*** (0.000)15.626*** (0.000)15.938*** (0.000)16.323*** (0.000)
Not Ethnically British (Q66.4) 4.253** (0.007) 4.295** (0.006) 4.468** (0.005) 3.616* (0.023) 4.163** (0.009) 4.371** (0.006) 4.338** (0.006) 4.371** (0.006) 4.428** (0.005) 4.253** (0.007) 4.294** (0.006) 4.385** (0.005) 4.426** (0.005) 4.096** (0.009) 4.383** (0.006) 4.335** (0.006)
Working or Self Employed (inc. part-time) (Q66.7) -4.089** (0.003) -4.149** (0.003) -3.767** (0.007) -3.607** (0.010) -4.017** (0.005) -4.090** (0.003) -3.964** (0.004) -4.008** (0.004) -3.851** (0.006) -4.090** (0.004) -4.016** (0.004) -3.918** (0.005) -3.832** (0.006) -3.866** (0.005) -3.766** (0.007) -4.007** (0.004)
Log of household annual net income (Q66.6) -1.320 (0.121) -0.730 (0.409) -0.283 (0.761) -0.654 (0.454) -1.273 (0.138) -0.504 (0.584) -0.668 (0.442) -1.154 (0.178) -1.110 (0.194) -1.320 (0.122) 0.007 (0.994) -1.076 (0.210) -0.691 (0.444) 0.127 (0.886) -1.085 (0.206) -0.706 (0.415)
From Redwall Constituency -0.229 (0.852) -0.288 (0.814) -0.342 (0.779) 0.117 (0.924) -0.248 (0.840) -0.299 (0.807) -0.222 (0.856) -0.167 (0.891) -0.177 (0.885) -0.229 (0.852) -0.179 (0.883) -0.224 (0.854) -0.275 (0.822) -0.025 (0.983) -0.229 (0.851) -0.065 (0.958)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -12.781* (0.027) -13.236* (0.022) -13.185* (0.022) -13.073* (0.023) -12.525* (0.030) -13.100* (0.023) -13.439* (0.019) -13.126* (0.023) -13.165* (0.022) -12.781* (0.027) -13.953* (0.015) -13.203* (0.022) -13.399* (0.020) -12.060* (0.035) -13.175* (0.022) -12.609* (0.028)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -6.391*** (0.000)-6.475*** (0.000)-6.412*** (0.000)-6.552*** (0.000)-6.388*** (0.000)-6.451*** (0.000)-6.425*** (0.000)-6.136*** (0.000)-6.069*** (0.000)-6.391*** (0.000)-6.261*** (0.000)-6.152*** (0.000)-6.486*** (0.000)-5.987*** (0.000)-6.168*** (0.000)-6.299*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 3.828* (0.015)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.118** (0.007)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -4.564** (0.001)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair 1.127 (0.648)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -0.176 (0.941)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 3.800 (0.523)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good 1.253 (0.633)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -3.258 (0.250)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -5.788* (0.027)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -6.387* (0.022)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -5.323* (0.048)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -8.287** (0.004)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied 0.085 (0.983)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 5.786*** (0.001)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.812 (0.094)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.277* (0.027)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') -0.003 (0.999)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 0.616 (0.743)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 4.156* (0.037)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 7.526** (0.003)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 9.367** (0.005)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.064* (0.036)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 2.806* (0.038)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.134*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.249* (0.040)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 6.468*** (0.001)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.127 0.129 0.130 0.131 0.127 0.133 0.132 0.128 0.129 0.127 0.135 0.129 0.129 0.141 0.129 0.132

text version | latex version

p- values in parenthesis. Results are relative to:

Popularity of Childcare: 2): Short Regressions

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 87.683*** (0.000)85.955*** (0.000)94.788*** (0.000)88.161*** (0.000)89.461*** (0.000) 94.197*** (0.000)85.510*** (0.000)83.593*** (0.000)83.884*** (0.000)87.474*** (0.000)82.074*** (0.000)82.589*** (0.000)85.190*** (0.000)80.310*** (0.000)83.789*** (0.000)85.802*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.375*** (0.000)-0.357*** (0.000)-0.343*** (0.000)-0.292*** (0.000)-0.376*** (0.000) -0.358*** (0.000)-0.351*** (0.000)-0.342*** (0.000)-0.339*** (0.000)-0.375*** (0.000)-0.337*** (0.000)-0.337*** (0.000)-0.353*** (0.000)-0.307*** (0.000)-0.339*** (0.000)-0.354*** (0.000)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -11.370 (0.055) -12.296* (0.037) -12.603* (0.033) -12.047* (0.041) -11.617 (0.050) -12.299* (0.037) -12.542* (0.033) -12.216* (0.039) -12.278* (0.038) -11.831* (0.046) -13.427* (0.023) -12.310* (0.037) -12.831* (0.030) -11.121 (0.058) -12.293* (0.038) -11.409 (0.053)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -6.550*** (0.000)-6.651*** (0.000)-6.545*** (0.000)-6.809*** (0.000)-6.506*** (0.000) -6.570*** (0.000)-6.576*** (0.000)-6.099*** (0.000)-6.034*** (0.000)-6.495*** (0.000)-6.366*** (0.000)-6.147*** (0.000)-6.683*** (0.000)-6.117*** (0.000)-6.161*** (0.000)-6.450*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 5.077** (0.001)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.636*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -6.645*** (0.000)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -0.644 (0.799)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -2.967 (0.218)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 3.304 (0.591)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -1.114 (0.676)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -4.896 (0.090)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -7.607** (0.004)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -8.113** (0.004)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -7.703** (0.004)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -11.102*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -2.133 (0.595)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 7.214*** (0.000)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.370** (0.005)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.415** (0.001)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 2.378 (0.276)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 1.085 (0.571)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 5.638** (0.004)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 9.012*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 12.261*** (0.000)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.629** (0.002)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 4.596*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.145*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.386** (0.002)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 7.634*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.060 0.065 0.068 0.071 0.062 0.070 0.068 0.063 0.065 0.060 0.075 0.064 0.066 0.078 0.064 0.067

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Popularity of Childcare: 3): Very Short Regressions

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
(Intercept) 65.654*** (0.000)78.731*** (0.000) 73.392*** (0.000)68.569*** (0.000) 75.705*** (0.000)65.510*** (0.000)62.079*** (0.000)63.412*** (0.000)66.714*** (0.000)61.362*** (0.000)60.955*** (0.000)64.873*** (0.000)61.450*** (0.000)63.122*** (0.000)65.765*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 6.774*** (0.000)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -2.249*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -10.166*** (0.000)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -1.581 (0.542)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -2.842 (0.250)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 5.385 (0.394)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good 0.365 (0.894)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -5.064 (0.088)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -8.156** (0.003)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -9.968*** (0.001)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -8.921** (0.001)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -14.377*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -8.405* (0.038)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 9.183*** (0.000)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 2.837*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.766*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 2.569 (0.251)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 2.395 (0.221)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 7.905*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 12.373*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 15.573*** (0.000)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 3.090*** (0.000)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 6.116*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.199*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.724*** (0.000)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 10.099*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.009 0.017 0.031 0.003 0.016 0.014 0.018 0.019 0.001 0.025 0.019 0.011 0.038 0.018 0.014

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Change in Popularity of Childcare: By Argument

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 3.397*** (0.000) 3.418*** (0.000) 3.829*** (0.000) 3.720*** (0.000) 3.941*** (0.000) 2.924** (0.008) 3.465*** (0.000) 3.485*** (0.000) 3.630*** (0.000) 3.334*** (0.000) 1.647 (0.050) 3.216*** (0.000) 3.466*** (0.000) 3.671*** (0.000) 3.392*** (0.000) 3.495*** (0.000)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -1.516 (0.540) -1.490 (0.548) -1.586 (0.522) -1.598 (0.518) -1.602 (0.519) -1.571 (0.526) -1.416 (0.568) -1.479 (0.551) -1.392 (0.574) -1.633 (0.510) -1.509 (0.542) -1.582 (0.523) -1.436 (0.563) -1.508 (0.542) -1.519 (0.540) -1.500 (0.544)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -0.353 (0.486) -0.350 (0.490) -0.353 (0.487) -0.371 (0.465) -0.332 (0.513) -0.331 (0.515) -0.351 (0.488) -0.369 (0.471) -0.409 (0.423) -0.339 (0.504) -0.279 (0.583) -0.331 (0.517) -0.346 (0.495) -0.384 (0.449) -0.352 (0.490) -0.366 (0.471)
Shown Relative Gains Argument -0.458 (0.521) -0.451 (0.528) -0.473 (0.508) -0.489 (0.494) -0.450 (0.529) -0.571 (0.426) -0.434 (0.543) -0.458 (0.521) -0.456 (0.523) -0.459 (0.521) -0.503 (0.481) -0.466 (0.514) -0.443 (0.536) -0.410 (0.566) -0.458 (0.521) -0.421 (0.556)
Shown Flourishing Argument -4.423*** (0.000)-4.423*** (0.000)-4.418*** (0.000)-4.430*** (0.000)-4.372*** (0.000)-4.534*** (0.000)-4.417*** (0.000)-4.424*** (0.000)-4.430*** (0.000)-4.397*** (0.000)-4.478*** (0.000)-4.427*** (0.000)-4.428*** (0.000)-4.410*** (0.000)-4.423*** (0.000)-4.411*** (0.000)
Shown Security Argument -1.782* (0.012) -1.778* (0.012) -1.796* (0.012) -1.807* (0.011) -1.756* (0.014) -1.901** (0.008) -1.750* (0.014) -1.779* (0.012) -1.775* (0.013) -1.782* (0.012) -1.853** (0.009) -1.792* (0.012) -1.770* (0.013) -1.742* (0.014) -1.782* (0.012) -1.774* (0.013)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) -0.135 (0.834)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.081 (0.606)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -0.469 (0.371)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -0.838 (0.429)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -0.607 (0.548)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad -0.106 (0.967)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -0.354 (0.751)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied 0.685 (0.573)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied 0.757 (0.497)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 0.341 (0.772)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied 1.208 (0.276)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied 0.311 (0.787)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -2.455 (0.140)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) -0.557 (0.426)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.048 (0.809)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.046 (0.371)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 0.610 (0.505)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 2.176** (0.007)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 2.185** (0.008)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 1.392 (0.179)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 1.064 (0.435)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.091 (0.658)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) -0.236 (0.659)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) -0.010 (0.266)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.001 (0.986)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) -0.923 (0.242)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.024 0.024 0.024 0.024 0.024 0.027 0.024 0.024 0.024 0.024 0.028 0.024 0.024 0.024 0.024 0.024

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

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Change in Popularity of Childcare: Genderless By Argument

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 3.229*** (0.000) 3.256*** (0.000) 3.635*** (0.000) 3.526*** (0.000) 3.754*** (0.000) 2.750* (0.011) 3.302*** (0.000) 3.293*** (0.000) 3.424*** (0.000) 3.173*** (0.000) 1.503 (0.061) 3.048*** (0.000) 3.312*** (0.000) 3.482*** (0.000) 3.217*** (0.000) 3.321*** (0.000)
Shown Relative Gains Argument -0.485 (0.496) -0.476 (0.505) -0.499 (0.484) -0.516 (0.470) -0.476 (0.505) -0.595 (0.405) -0.460 (0.520) -0.486 (0.496) -0.485 (0.496) -0.486 (0.496) -0.526 (0.461) -0.493 (0.489) -0.467 (0.513) -0.440 (0.537) -0.486 (0.496) -0.449 (0.529)
Shown Flourishing Argument -4.438*** (0.000)-4.438*** (0.000)-4.433*** (0.000)-4.445*** (0.000)-4.385*** (0.000)-4.547*** (0.000)-4.432*** (0.000)-4.439*** (0.000)-4.447*** (0.000)-4.412*** (0.000)-4.490*** (0.000)-4.440*** (0.000)-4.443*** (0.000)-4.427*** (0.000)-4.437*** (0.000)-4.427*** (0.000)
Shown Security Argument -1.791* (0.012) -1.786* (0.012) -1.804* (0.011) -1.815* (0.011) -1.762* (0.013) -1.908** (0.007) -1.758* (0.013) -1.789* (0.012) -1.787* (0.012) -1.791* (0.012) -1.859** (0.009) -1.801* (0.011) -1.777* (0.012) -1.754* (0.014) -1.792* (0.012) -1.784* (0.012)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) -0.163 (0.800)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.076 (0.627)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -0.444 (0.397)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -0.818 (0.439)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -0.580 (0.565)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad -0.013 (0.996)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -0.312 (0.779)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied 0.672 (0.580)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied 0.787 (0.479)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 0.364 (0.756)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied 1.224 (0.269)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied 0.324 (0.778)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -2.441 (0.142)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) -0.576 (0.409)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.038 (0.847)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.042 (0.403)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 0.594 (0.515)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 2.192** (0.006)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 2.195** (0.008)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 1.383 (0.181)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 1.049 (0.441)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.096 (0.638)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) -0.267 (0.618)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) -0.010 (0.281)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.002 (0.962)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) -0.914 (0.247)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.024 0.027 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.028 0.023 0.023 0.024 0.023 0.024

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

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Regressions - Policy: Education (Before Explanation)

Popularity of Education: 1) Full Regression

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 76.005*** (0.000)70.994*** (0.000)66.591*** (0.000)74.287*** (0.000)77.625*** (0.000)70.645*** (0.000)71.892*** (0.000)69.641*** (0.000)69.511*** (0.000)74.667*** (0.000)59.378*** (0.000)67.362*** (0.000)67.632*** (0.000)56.613*** (0.000)68.644*** (0.000)68.047*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.138*** (0.000) -0.128** (0.001) -0.092* (0.023) -0.122** (0.005)-0.136*** (0.001) -0.122** (0.003) -0.127** (0.001) -0.104* (0.011) -0.100* (0.014)-0.134*** (0.001) -0.112** (0.005) -0.097* (0.019) -0.118** (0.003) -0.076 (0.061) -0.098* (0.018) -0.117** (0.003)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Labour 19.215*** (0.000)18.975*** (0.000)18.211*** (0.000)19.062*** (0.000)18.980*** (0.000)18.815*** (0.000)18.979*** (0.000)18.686*** (0.000)18.705*** (0.000)19.024*** (0.000)18.274*** (0.000)18.574*** (0.000)18.851*** (0.000)18.659*** (0.000)18.711*** (0.000)18.936*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): LibDem 20.593*** (0.000)20.361*** (0.000)19.980*** (0.000)20.481*** (0.000)20.322*** (0.000)20.132*** (0.000)20.445*** (0.000)20.145*** (0.000)20.162*** (0.000)20.360*** (0.000)20.118*** (0.000)20.126*** (0.000)20.064*** (0.000)20.288*** (0.000)20.141*** (0.000)20.638*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Nat/Green 19.457*** (0.000)19.101*** (0.000)18.291*** (0.000)19.325*** (0.000)19.273*** (0.000)18.926*** (0.000)19.165*** (0.000)18.555*** (0.000)18.466*** (0.000)19.290*** (0.000)18.539*** (0.000)18.463*** (0.000)18.997*** (0.000)18.830*** (0.000)18.576*** (0.000)19.256*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): No Vote/DK/Refused 8.956*** (0.000) 8.693*** (0.000) 8.145*** (0.000) 8.847*** (0.000) 8.751*** (0.000) 8.513*** (0.000) 8.735*** (0.000) 8.468*** (0.000) 8.472*** (0.000) 8.802*** (0.000) 8.245*** (0.000) 8.316*** (0.000) 8.663*** (0.000) 8.335*** (0.000) 8.433*** (0.000) 8.731*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Other/Brexit 13.044** (0.002) 12.653** (0.002) 12.144** (0.003) 12.917** (0.002) 12.815** (0.002) 12.640** (0.002) 12.840** (0.002) 12.252** (0.003) 12.131** (0.003) 12.884** (0.002) 12.197** (0.003) 12.128** (0.003) 12.577** (0.002) 12.293** (0.003) 12.268** (0.003) 12.899** (0.002)
Not Ethnically British (Q66.4) -0.444 (0.763) -0.415 (0.779) -0.103 (0.944) -0.608 (0.683) -0.429 (0.772) -0.491 (0.740) -0.402 (0.785) -0.258 (0.861) -0.204 (0.890) -0.424 (0.774) -0.501 (0.733) -0.244 (0.868) -0.267 (0.856) -0.584 (0.690) -0.255 (0.863) -0.363 (0.805)
Working or Self Employed (inc. part-time) (Q66.7) -2.387 (0.067) -2.429 (0.062) -1.874 (0.150) -2.263 (0.084) -1.929 (0.145) -2.530 (0.053) -2.325 (0.075) -2.258 (0.083) -2.060 (0.114) -1.986 (0.133) -2.417 (0.064) -2.127 (0.103) -2.124 (0.104) -2.188 (0.091) -1.914 (0.144) -2.306 (0.076)
Log of household annual net income (Q66.6) -0.657 (0.409) -0.240 (0.772) 0.990 (0.255) -0.486 (0.553) -0.535 (0.505) 0.011 (0.990) -0.336 (0.680) -0.394 (0.622) -0.369 (0.644) -0.585 (0.463) 0.558 (0.511) -0.288 (0.719) -0.015 (0.986) 0.630 (0.444) -0.315 (0.695) -0.054 (0.947)
From Redwall Constituency 1.153 (0.313) 1.111 (0.331) 0.973 (0.393) 1.241 (0.279) 1.028 (0.370) 1.129 (0.324) 1.156 (0.312) 1.250 (0.273) 1.224 (0.283) 1.093 (0.339) 1.163 (0.308) 1.160 (0.309) 1.105 (0.333) 1.334 (0.240) 1.152 (0.312) 1.314 (0.249)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -2.674 (0.620) -2.996 (0.578) -3.315 (0.537) -2.749 (0.610) -3.300 (0.542) -3.015 (0.576) -2.998 (0.578) -3.222 (0.549) -3.200 (0.552) -3.327 (0.538) -3.521 (0.513) -3.314 (0.538) -3.306 (0.540) -2.032 (0.704) -3.249 (0.546) -2.505 (0.641)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -4.442*** (0.000)-4.501*** (0.000)-4.475*** (0.000)-4.483*** (0.000)-4.398*** (0.000)-4.432*** (0.000)-4.459*** (0.000)-4.037*** (0.000)-4.000*** (0.000)-4.382*** (0.000)-4.264*** (0.000)-4.080*** (0.000)-4.539*** (0.000)-4.083*** (0.000)-4.116*** (0.000)-4.351*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 2.709 (0.066)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.777*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -1.170 (0.373)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -2.785 (0.227)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -3.486 (0.116)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 2.446 (0.660)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -3.837 (0.118)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied 0.777 (0.770)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -1.621 (0.510)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -1.645 (0.529)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -2.345 (0.352)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -3.967 (0.138)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -2.593 (0.491)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 2.852 (0.069)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.289** (0.004)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.380** (0.001)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 3.642 (0.070)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 1.844 (0.296)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 5.511** (0.003)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 4.863* (0.038)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 9.838** (0.002)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.611*** (0.001)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 2.867* (0.024)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.119*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.364** (0.001)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 6.362*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.085 0.086 0.094 0.085 0.086 0.087 0.086 0.088 0.090 0.086 0.093 0.090 0.087 0.098 0.089 0.091

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p- values in parenthesis. Results are relative to:

Popularity of Education: 2): Short Regressions

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 82.775*** (0.000)81.528*** (0.000)91.405*** (0.000)82.941*** (0.000)87.555*** (0.000)85.186*** (0.000)81.567*** (0.000)77.518*** (0.000)78.259*** (0.000)82.308*** (0.000)77.221*** (0.000)76.312*** (0.000)80.505*** (0.000)76.645*** (0.000)78.070*** (0.000)81.059*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.163*** (0.000)-0.150*** (0.000)-0.124*** (0.001)-0.134*** (0.001)-0.167*** (0.000)-0.143*** (0.000)-0.150*** (0.000) -0.120** (0.001) -0.121** (0.001)-0.163*** (0.000)-0.134*** (0.000) -0.115** (0.002)-0.143*** (0.000) -0.107** (0.004) -0.119** (0.001)-0.144*** (0.000)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -0.714 (0.897) -1.383 (0.802) -2.212 (0.687) -0.950 (0.863) -1.772 (0.749) -1.471 (0.790) -1.366 (0.805) -1.802 (0.744) -1.794 (0.744) -1.744 (0.752) -2.232 (0.685) -1.908 (0.729) -2.045 (0.711) -0.507 (0.926) -1.829 (0.740) -0.750 (0.892)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -4.756*** (0.000)-4.829*** (0.000)-4.750*** (0.000)-4.847*** (0.000)-4.658*** (0.000)-4.733*** (0.000)-4.771*** (0.000)-4.176*** (0.000)-4.143*** (0.000)-4.635*** (0.000)-4.547*** (0.000)-4.246*** (0.000)-4.878*** (0.000)-4.397*** (0.000)-4.287*** (0.000)-4.665*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 3.664* (0.012)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.987*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -2.315 (0.070)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -4.058 (0.085)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -5.399* (0.016)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 1.864 (0.745)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -5.652* (0.023)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -0.496 (0.855)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -3.054 (0.219)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -3.168 (0.227)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -4.056 (0.101)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -6.025* (0.020)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -3.671 (0.328)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 4.009* (0.011)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.761*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.494*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 5.306** (0.009)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 2.180 (0.223)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 6.488*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 5.889* (0.011)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 11.666*** (0.000)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 2.067*** (0.000)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 4.184*** (0.001)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.121*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.467*** (0.000)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 6.963*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.019 0.022 0.034 0.021 0.023 0.024 0.022 0.026 0.028 0.022 0.032 0.028 0.025 0.035 0.027 0.027

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Popularity of Education: 3): Very Short Regressions

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
(Intercept) 72.091*** (0.000)84.575*** (0.000)75.391*** (0.000)77.715*** (0.000)76.902*** (0.000)72.156*** (0.000)68.819*** (0.000)69.940*** (0.000)72.443*** (0.000)67.927*** (0.000)67.753*** (0.000)71.303*** (0.000)69.006*** (0.000)69.707*** (0.000)71.987*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 4.374** (0.003)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -2.222*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -3.896*** (0.001)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -4.751* (0.045)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -5.580* (0.013)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 2.785 (0.630)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -5.235* (0.036)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -0.674 (0.805)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -3.199 (0.201)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -3.972 (0.131)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -4.664 (0.061)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -7.475** (0.004)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -6.387 (0.086)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 4.905** (0.002)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 2.396*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.648*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 5.641** (0.006)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 2.809 (0.118)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 7.621*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 7.431** (0.001)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 13.117*** (0.000)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 2.670*** (0.000)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 4.794*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.142*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.610*** (0.000)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 8.043*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.005 0.020 0.006 0.004 0.008 0.005 0.015 0.016 0.004 0.017 0.017 0.008 0.023 0.016 0.010

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Change in Popularity of Education: By Argument

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 1.040 (0.056) 0.746 (0.182)2.844** (0.003) 2.369*** (0.000) 0.998 (0.330) 3.285** (0.002) 0.909 (0.102) 0.298 (0.645) 0.608 (0.311) 1.048 (0.058) 0.292 (0.729) 0.524 (0.438) 0.905 (0.114) 0.650 (0.282) 0.711 (0.240) 0.940 (0.089)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -2.400 (0.320)-2.676 (0.267) -2.704 (0.262) -2.755 (0.252)-2.398 (0.322) -2.674 (0.268)-2.540 (0.293)-2.712 (0.261)-2.631 (0.276)-2.386 (0.324)-2.636 (0.276)-2.586 (0.284)-2.536 (0.294)-2.417 (0.316)-2.576 (0.286)-2.417 (0.316)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -0.360 (0.467)-0.389 (0.431) -0.361 (0.465) -0.441 (0.372)-0.365 (0.462) -0.372 (0.453)-0.363 (0.462)-0.228 (0.648)-0.256 (0.607)-0.362 (0.465)-0.329 (0.507)-0.298 (0.549)-0.372 (0.452)-0.321 (0.516)-0.302 (0.544)-0.350 (0.479)
Shown Relative Gains Argument 1.013 (0.144) 1.051 (0.129) 1.020 (0.141) 0.932 (0.177) 1.009 (0.146) 1.034 (0.136) 1.021 (0.141) 0.995 (0.151) 1.002 (0.148) 1.012 (0.145) 1.016 (0.143) 0.988 (0.154) 1.014 (0.144) 1.005 (0.147) 0.990 (0.153) 1.017 (0.143)
Shown Flourishing Argument -1.103 (0.112)-1.004 (0.148) -1.016 (0.143) -1.127 (0.103)-1.100 (0.113) -1.020 (0.142)-1.077 (0.121)-1.112 (0.109)-1.103 (0.112)-1.103 (0.112)-1.084 (0.118)-1.102 (0.112)-1.078 (0.121)-1.075 (0.121)-1.104 (0.111)-1.092 (0.115)
Shown Security Argument 0.249 (0.720) 0.324 (0.641) 0.279 (0.687) 0.220 (0.751) 0.241 (0.729) 0.318 (0.648) 0.271 (0.696) 0.241 (0.729) 0.250 (0.719) 0.247 (0.722) 0.264 (0.704) 0.241 (0.728) 0.266 (0.702) 0.236 (0.734) 0.245 (0.724) 0.252 (0.717)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 1.369* (0.030)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.349* (0.023)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -1.972*** (0.000)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair 0.142 (0.891)
General Health (Q66.13): Good 0.016 (0.987)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad -0.142 (0.955)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good 0.014 (0.990)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -1.807 (0.127)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -2.533* (0.020)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -2.467* (0.031)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -2.302* (0.034)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -3.064** (0.006)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -1.798 (0.267)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 0.775 (0.255)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.405* (0.035)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.085 (0.089)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') -0.071 (0.937)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 0.560 (0.476)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 0.909 (0.259)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 1.536 (0.129)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 1.029 (0.439)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.257 (0.200)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 0.392 (0.452)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.013 (0.137)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.059 (0.216)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 0.796 (0.300)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.006 0.008 0.008 0.013 0.006 0.010 0.006 0.008 0.007 0.006 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.006 0.006

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

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Change in Popularity of Education: Genderless By Argument

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 0.843 (0.085) 0.543 (0.287)2.596** (0.005) 2.106*** (0.000) 0.750 (0.453) 3.052** (0.003) 0.716 (0.155) 0.166 (0.777) 0.459 (0.395) 0.854 (0.086) 0.105 (0.896) 0.359 (0.562) 0.719 (0.171) 0.465 (0.398) 0.542 (0.322) 0.747 (0.134)
Shown Relative Gains Argument 1.022 (0.140) 1.059 (0.126) 1.029 (0.137) 0.944 (0.172) 1.019 (0.142) 1.042 (0.133) 1.029 (0.138) 1.001 (0.149) 1.008 (0.146) 1.020 (0.141) 1.023 (0.140) 0.996 (0.151) 1.023 (0.140) 1.013 (0.144) 0.997 (0.150) 1.025 (0.139)
Shown Flourishing Argument -1.105 (0.111)-1.010 (0.146) -1.020 (0.142) -1.130 (0.102)-1.103 (0.112) -1.025 (0.140)-1.080 (0.120)-1.111 (0.109)-1.102 (0.112)-1.106 (0.111)-1.087 (0.118)-1.103 (0.112)-1.083 (0.119)-1.076 (0.121)-1.105 (0.111)-1.094 (0.115)
Shown Security Argument 0.258 (0.710) 0.331 (0.634) 0.288 (0.678) 0.230 (0.739) 0.251 (0.719) 0.325 (0.640) 0.279 (0.688) 0.251 (0.718) 0.260 (0.708) 0.255 (0.714) 0.272 (0.696) 0.251 (0.718) 0.273 (0.694) 0.244 (0.725) 0.255 (0.714) 0.260 (0.708)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 1.322* (0.035)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.340* (0.027)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -1.935*** (0.000)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair 0.184 (0.858)
General Health (Q66.13): Good 0.067 (0.946)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad -0.012 (0.996)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good 0.084 (0.938)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -1.820 (0.124)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -2.489* (0.022)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -2.425* (0.034)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -2.269* (0.036)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -3.032** (0.007)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -1.758 (0.277)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 0.738 (0.277)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.401* (0.035)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.084 (0.087)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') -0.105 (0.906)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 0.577 (0.462)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 0.910 (0.257)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 1.508 (0.135)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 0.994 (0.454)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.255 (0.200)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 0.343 (0.510)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.014 (0.130)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.059 (0.217)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 0.801 (0.297)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.005 0.007 0.007 0.012 0.005 0.009 0.005 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.005

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

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Regressions - Policy: Housing (Before Explanation)

Popularity of Housing: 1) Full Regression

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 79.254*** (0.000)75.112*** (0.000)71.044*** (0.000)71.717*** (0.000)81.947*** (0.000)72.621*** (0.000)76.898*** (0.000)74.032*** (0.000)73.583*** (0.000)77.625*** (0.000)64.929*** (0.000)73.182*** (0.000)69.585*** (0.000)61.954*** (0.000)74.077*** (0.000)73.144*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.104** (0.005) -0.096* (0.010) -0.064 (0.092) -0.036 (0.376) -0.100** (0.007) -0.088* (0.020) -0.098** (0.009) -0.076* (0.047) -0.071 (0.063) -0.099** (0.007) -0.085* (0.024) -0.075 (0.051) -0.081* (0.031) -0.049 (0.199) -0.076 (0.050) -0.088* (0.018)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Labour 13.866*** (0.000)13.667*** (0.000)12.989*** (0.000)13.193*** (0.000)13.653*** (0.000)13.508*** (0.000)13.730*** (0.000)13.432*** (0.000)13.420*** (0.000)13.632*** (0.000)13.046*** (0.000)13.415*** (0.000)13.445*** (0.000)13.370*** (0.000)13.511*** (0.000)13.651*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): LibDem 13.272*** (0.000)13.080*** (0.000)12.737*** (0.000)12.781*** (0.000)13.017*** (0.000)12.500*** (0.000)13.186*** (0.000)12.904*** (0.000)12.895*** (0.000)12.987*** (0.000)12.894*** (0.000)12.943*** (0.000)12.660*** (0.000)12.999*** (0.000)12.953*** (0.000)13.306*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Nat/Green 17.782*** (0.000)17.487*** (0.000)16.765*** (0.000)17.205*** (0.000)17.624*** (0.000)17.229*** (0.000)17.614*** (0.000)17.042*** (0.000)16.916*** (0.000)17.579*** (0.000)16.952*** (0.000)17.084*** (0.000)17.251*** (0.000)17.222*** (0.000)17.162*** (0.000)17.628*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): No Vote/DK/Refused 4.741* (0.015) 4.523* (0.021) 4.033* (0.039) 4.263* (0.029) 4.563* (0.020) 4.272* (0.030) 4.614* (0.019) 4.341* (0.027) 4.318* (0.028) 4.553* (0.020) 4.070* (0.038) 4.291* (0.029) 4.402* (0.025) 4.186* (0.032) 4.373* (0.026) 4.568* (0.019)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Other/Brexit 11.998** (0.002) 11.675** (0.003) 11.213** (0.004) 11.442** (0.003) 11.843** (0.002) 11.811** (0.002) 11.881** (0.002) 11.348** (0.003) 11.200** (0.004) 11.804** (0.002) 11.382** (0.003) 11.355** (0.003) 11.459** (0.003) 11.328** (0.003) 11.452** (0.003) 11.887** (0.002)
Not Ethnically British (Q66.4) 1.054 (0.446) 1.079 (0.435) 1.352 (0.327) 0.337 (0.808) 1.100 (0.427) 1.005 (0.468) 1.078 (0.436) 1.207 (0.383) 1.264 (0.360) 1.079 (0.435) 0.997 (0.470) 1.195 (0.387) 1.259 (0.363) 0.929 (0.499) 1.188 (0.390) 1.116 (0.419)
Working or Self Employed (inc. part-time) (Q66.7) -2.175 (0.075) -2.210 (0.070) -1.728 (0.157) -1.633 (0.182) -1.682 (0.175) -2.430* (0.047) -2.140 (0.080) -2.070 (0.090) -1.890 (0.122) -1.688 (0.173) -2.329 (0.057) -1.993 (0.103) -1.872 (0.126) -1.998 (0.100) -1.843 (0.133) -2.113 (0.083)
Log of household annual net income (Q66.6) -1.010 (0.176) -0.665 (0.391) 0.427 (0.601) -0.261 (0.733) -0.938 (0.212) -0.448 (0.580) -0.826 (0.280) -0.794 (0.289) -0.759 (0.311) -0.922 (0.216) -0.034 (0.966) -0.751 (0.318) -0.268 (0.735) 0.139 (0.858) -0.769 (0.306) -0.546 (0.472)
From Redwall Constituency -1.426 (0.183) -1.461 (0.172) -1.583 (0.138) -1.037 (0.332) -1.535 (0.153) -1.446 (0.176) -1.424 (0.183) -1.346 (0.208) -1.364 (0.202) -1.500 (0.161) -1.416 (0.185) -1.421 (0.184) -1.481 (0.166) -1.265 (0.235) -1.427 (0.182) -1.303 (0.223)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -2.097 (0.678) -2.364 (0.640) -2.656 (0.597) -2.426 (0.630) -2.873 (0.570) -2.395 (0.635) -2.283 (0.651) -2.547 (0.614) -2.557 (0.612) -2.892 (0.567) -2.699 (0.593) -2.546 (0.614) -2.826 (0.575) -1.525 (0.761) -2.502 (0.620) -1.967 (0.696)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -0.390 (0.706) -0.439 (0.671) -0.419 (0.684) -0.571 (0.580) -0.314 (0.762) -0.375 (0.717) -0.400 (0.699) -0.058 (0.956) -0.004 (0.997) -0.317 (0.759) -0.191 (0.853) -0.136 (0.896) -0.502 (0.627) -0.070 (0.946) -0.161 (0.877) -0.321 (0.756)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 2.240 (0.104)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.550*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -5.133*** (0.000)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -4.275* (0.048)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -3.902 (0.060)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 2.153 (0.679)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -4.618* (0.044)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied 3.969 (0.110)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied 1.455 (0.527)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -0.031 (0.990)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied 0.875 (0.710)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -2.557 (0.306)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied 1.619 (0.646)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 1.634 (0.266)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.058* (0.013)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.332** (0.002)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 4.436* (0.019)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 3.059 (0.064)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 5.839*** (0.001)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 5.361* (0.015)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 6.700* (0.021)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.132* (0.011)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 3.310** (0.005)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.107*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.256* (0.016)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 4.885** (0.003)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.063 0.064 0.072 0.071 0.066 0.069 0.064 0.066 0.067 0.066 0.069 0.066 0.067 0.076 0.066 0.067

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p- values in parenthesis. Results are relative to:

Popularity of Housing: 2): Short Regressions

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 76.670*** (0.000)75.588*** (0.000)84.282*** (0.000)77.119*** (0.000)81.798*** (0.000)76.542*** (0.000)75.826*** (0.000)72.105*** (0.000)72.573*** (0.000)76.166*** (0.000)70.894*** (0.000)71.779*** (0.000)74.271*** (0.000)70.977*** (0.000)73.051*** (0.000)75.265*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.116*** (0.001) -0.105** (0.002) -0.082* (0.015) -0.038 (0.290)-0.117*** (0.000) -0.094** (0.006) -0.107** (0.002) -0.079* (0.023) -0.078* (0.024)-0.116*** (0.000) -0.092** (0.007) -0.080* (0.022) -0.095** (0.005) -0.064 (0.063) -0.082* (0.018) -0.101** (0.003)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) 0.525 (0.919) -0.055 (0.991) -0.796 (0.876) -0.111 (0.983) -0.587 (0.909) -0.168 (0.974) 0.070 (0.989) -0.420 (0.935) -0.454 (0.929) -0.587 (0.909) -0.700 (0.892) -0.378 (0.941) -0.881 (0.864) 0.717 (0.888) -0.333 (0.948) 0.496 (0.923)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -0.350 (0.740) -0.413 (0.695) -0.345 (0.742) -0.593 (0.571) -0.223 (0.833) -0.317 (0.763) -0.360 (0.732) 0.153 (0.885) 0.206 (0.846) -0.219 (0.835) -0.119 (0.910) 0.036 (0.973) -0.479 (0.649) -0.016 (0.988) 0.011 (0.992) -0.276 (0.793)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 3.180* (0.019)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.753*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -6.238*** (0.000)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -5.390* (0.014)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -5.575** (0.008)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 1.090 (0.838)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -5.880* (0.011)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied 2.693 (0.285)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied 0.045 (0.984)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -1.480 (0.544)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -0.885 (0.701)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -4.613 (0.055)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied 0.089 (0.980)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 2.802 (0.056)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.529*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.448*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 5.725** (0.003)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 3.218 (0.054)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 6.780*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 6.360** (0.003)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 8.497** (0.003)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.564*** (0.000)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 4.422*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.112*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.359*** (0.001)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 5.704*** (0.001)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.006 0.009 0.020 0.020 0.011 0.014 0.008 0.013 0.014 0.011 0.017 0.012 0.014 0.022 0.012 0.012

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Popularity of Housing: 3): Very Short Regressions

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
(Intercept) 70.368*** (0.000)81.073*** (0.000)75.351*** (0.000)76.118*** (0.000)72.379*** (0.000)70.543*** (0.000)67.996*** (0.000)68.731*** (0.000)70.599*** (0.000)66.135*** (0.000)67.479*** (0.000)69.429*** (0.000)67.709*** (0.000)68.815*** (0.000)70.343*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 3.766** (0.005)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.905*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -6.723*** (0.000)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -5.609* (0.011)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -5.503** (0.008)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 1.473 (0.783)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -5.425* (0.019)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied 2.712 (0.282)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -0.200 (0.931)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -2.015 (0.407)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -1.213 (0.598)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -5.474* (0.022)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -1.550 (0.653)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 3.457* (0.017)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.802*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.511*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 5.714** (0.003)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 3.488* (0.036)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 7.274*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 7.214*** (0.001)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 9.387*** (0.001)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.861*** (0.000)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 4.904*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.122*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.430*** (0.000)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 6.364*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.004 0.017 0.019 0.005 0.010 0.003 0.010 0.012 0.005 0.013 0.010 0.010 0.020 0.009 0.008

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Change in Popularity of Housing: By Argument

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 3.059*** (0.000)2.898*** (0.000) 6.039*** (0.000)3.366*** (0.000) 3.244** (0.003)4.561*** (0.000)2.896*** (0.000) 2.016** (0.003)2.372*** (0.000)3.025*** (0.000) 2.134* (0.015) 1.998** (0.004)2.522*** (0.000)2.424*** (0.000)2.395*** (0.000)2.854*** (0.000)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -5.574* (0.027) -5.762* (0.022) -6.064* (0.016) -5.652* (0.025) -5.653* (0.025) -5.854* (0.020) -5.770* (0.022) -6.015* (0.017) -5.943* (0.018) -5.657* (0.025) -5.982* (0.018) -5.955* (0.018) -6.170* (0.014) -5.600* (0.026) -5.926* (0.019) -5.611* (0.026)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -1.426** (0.006)-1.445** (0.005) -1.424** (0.006)-1.444** (0.005)-1.437** (0.005)-1.372** (0.008)-1.430** (0.006) -1.237* (0.017) -1.259* (0.015)-1.416** (0.006)-1.377** (0.008) -1.295* (0.012)-1.477** (0.004)-1.360** (0.009) -1.307* (0.012)-1.406** (0.006)
Shown Relative Gains Argument 0.832 (0.251) 0.838 (0.247) 0.826 (0.252) 0.813 (0.262) 0.851 (0.240) 0.781 (0.283) 0.847 (0.242) 0.810 (0.263) 0.828 (0.252) 0.829 (0.252) 0.840 (0.246) 0.809 (0.263) 0.849 (0.240) 0.837 (0.247) 0.814 (0.260) 0.842 (0.245)
Shown Flourishing Argument -2.110** (0.004)-2.116** (0.004) -2.184** (0.003)-2.141** (0.003)-2.103** (0.004)-2.194** (0.003)-2.131** (0.003)-2.159** (0.003)-2.132** (0.003)-2.123** (0.004)-2.199** (0.002)-2.170** (0.003)-2.148** (0.003)-2.172** (0.003)-2.144** (0.003)-2.102** (0.004)
Shown Security Argument 0.416 (0.566) 0.410 (0.572) 0.411 (0.569) 0.407 (0.574) 0.424 (0.559) 0.363 (0.617) 0.428 (0.555) 0.371 (0.608) 0.397 (0.584) 0.407 (0.575) 0.421 (0.561) 0.396 (0.584) 0.395 (0.584) 0.448 (0.536) 0.418 (0.563) 0.457 (0.528)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 0.919 (0.162)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.563*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -0.446 (0.404)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair 0.690 (0.522)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -0.583 (0.570)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 1.547 (0.554)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -0.640 (0.573)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -1.131 (0.360)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -0.965 (0.394)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -1.053 (0.378)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -2.519* (0.026)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -1.712 (0.143)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -2.525 (0.135)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 1.069 (0.132)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.578** (0.004)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.136** (0.009)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 0.431 (0.643)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 0.450 (0.583)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 1.433 (0.088)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 1.631 (0.122)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 2.309 (0.096)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.532* (0.011)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 1.717** (0.002)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.022* (0.019)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.119* (0.017)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 1.566 (0.051)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.016 0.017 0.022 0.016 0.018 0.020 0.017 0.020 0.019 0.016 0.019 0.019 0.021 0.018 0.018 0.018

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

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Change in Popularity of Housing: Genderless By Argument

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 2.382*** (0.000)2.233*** (0.000) 5.262*** (0.000)2.618*** (0.000) 2.489* (0.020)3.852*** (0.000)2.230*** (0.000) 1.375* (0.024) 1.733** (0.002)2.355*** (0.000) 1.430 (0.089) 1.338* (0.038)1.863*** (0.001) 1.744** (0.002) 1.744** (0.002)2.183*** (0.000)
Shown Relative Gains Argument 0.764 (0.292) 0.768 (0.290) 0.756 (0.296) 0.748 (0.303) 0.783 (0.281) 0.711 (0.329) 0.776 (0.284) 0.743 (0.305) 0.762 (0.293) 0.761 (0.294) 0.771 (0.288) 0.741 (0.306) 0.776 (0.284) 0.771 (0.287) 0.746 (0.303) 0.774 (0.285)
Shown Flourishing Argument -2.192** (0.003)-2.199** (0.003) -2.267** (0.002)-2.218** (0.002)-2.183** (0.003)-2.280** (0.002)-2.213** (0.002)-2.240** (0.002)-2.212** (0.002)-2.205** (0.002)-2.281** (0.002)-2.252** (0.002)-2.233** (0.002)-2.255** (0.002)-2.226** (0.002)-2.184** (0.003)
Shown Security Argument 0.382 (0.599) 0.376 (0.605) 0.375 (0.605) 0.375 (0.605) 0.391 (0.591) 0.327 (0.653) 0.392 (0.589) 0.332 (0.647) 0.359 (0.620) 0.373 (0.607) 0.387 (0.594) 0.360 (0.620) 0.360 (0.619) 0.415 (0.567) 0.382 (0.598) 0.424 (0.559)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 0.804 (0.221)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.544*** (0.001)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -0.351 (0.511)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair 0.732 (0.497)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -0.509 (0.620)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 1.889 (0.471)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -0.513 (0.651)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -1.187 (0.338)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -0.844 (0.458)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -0.955 (0.425)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -2.467* (0.029)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -1.669 (0.154)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -2.474 (0.144)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 0.986 (0.165)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.607** (0.002)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.144** (0.005)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 0.400 (0.667)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 0.524 (0.524)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 1.498 (0.075)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 1.614 (0.127)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 2.259 (0.104)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.554** (0.008)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 1.584** (0.004)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.023* (0.014)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.124* (0.013)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 1.596* (0.047)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.010 0.011 0.016 0.010 0.013 0.014 0.011 0.015 0.014 0.010 0.013 0.013 0.014 0.013 0.013 0.012

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

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Regressions - Policy: Transport (Before Explanation)

Popularity of Transport: 1) Full Regression

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 76.684*** (0.000)68.014*** (0.000)70.798*** (0.000)73.404*** (0.000)78.601*** (0.000)73.451*** (0.000)72.729*** (0.000)70.848*** (0.000)70.615*** (0.000)75.407*** (0.000)67.769*** (0.000)70.515*** (0.000)66.981*** (0.000)62.095*** (0.000)70.124*** (0.000)69.880*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.041 (0.270) -0.023 (0.535) -0.012 (0.751) -0.011 (0.785) -0.035 (0.348) -0.029 (0.440) -0.030 (0.416) -0.010 (0.797) -0.006 (0.882) -0.037 (0.314) -0.023 (0.536) -0.011 (0.767) -0.018 (0.631) 0.006 (0.883) -0.005 (0.899) -0.023 (0.539)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Labour 14.049*** (0.000)13.633*** (0.000)13.421*** (0.000)13.757*** (0.000)13.926*** (0.000)13.619*** (0.000)13.822*** (0.000)13.564*** (0.000)13.572*** (0.000)13.866*** (0.000)13.551*** (0.000)13.592*** (0.000)13.627*** (0.000)13.631*** (0.000)13.599*** (0.000)13.810*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): LibDem 15.282*** (0.000)14.880*** (0.000)14.899*** (0.000)15.068*** (0.000)15.201*** (0.000)14.214*** (0.000)15.139*** (0.000)14.871*** (0.000)14.879*** (0.000)15.059*** (0.000)14.969*** (0.000)14.948*** (0.000)14.668*** (0.000)15.052*** (0.000)14.879*** (0.000)15.320*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Nat/Green 17.045*** (0.000)16.429*** (0.000)16.316*** (0.000)16.794*** (0.000)16.956*** (0.000)16.344*** (0.000)16.764*** (0.000)16.218*** (0.000)16.118*** (0.000)16.886*** (0.000)16.551*** (0.000)16.336*** (0.000)16.512*** (0.000)16.573*** (0.000)16.260*** (0.000)16.873*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): No Vote/DK/Refused 5.861** (0.003) 5.405** (0.006) 5.354** (0.007) 5.653** (0.004) 5.766** (0.003) 5.377** (0.006) 5.648** (0.004) 5.413** (0.006) 5.409** (0.006) 5.714** (0.004) 5.502** (0.005) 5.404** (0.006) 5.521** (0.005) 5.393** (0.006) 5.395** (0.006) 5.669** (0.004)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Other/Brexit 11.665** (0.003) 10.988** (0.004) 11.102** (0.004) 11.423** (0.003) 11.688** (0.003) 11.088** (0.004) 11.468** (0.003) 10.939** (0.005) 10.811** (0.005) 11.513** (0.003) 11.134** (0.004) 11.011** (0.004) 11.124** (0.004) 11.100** (0.004) 10.973** (0.005) 11.541** (0.003)
Not Ethnically British (Q66.4) 1.911 (0.168) 1.962 (0.156) 2.125 (0.125) 1.599 (0.252) 1.900 (0.171) 2.032 (0.143) 1.952 (0.159) 2.083 (0.133) 2.136 (0.123) 1.931 (0.164) 1.912 (0.168) 2.054 (0.139) 2.116 (0.127) 1.806 (0.191) 2.080 (0.133) 1.981 (0.153)
Working or Self Employed (inc. part-time) (Q66.7) -2.061 (0.093) -2.134 (0.081) -1.741 (0.156) -1.825 (0.138) -1.676 (0.178) -2.009 (0.102) -2.002 (0.102) -1.943 (0.112) -1.755 (0.152) -1.679 (0.176) -1.971 (0.108) -1.875 (0.126) -1.757 (0.152) -1.912 (0.117) -1.640 (0.183) -1.992 (0.103)
Log of household annual net income (Q66.6) -0.957 (0.201) -0.235 (0.762) 0.073 (0.929) -0.631 (0.412) -0.963 (0.201) -0.209 (0.796) -0.648 (0.397) -0.716 (0.341) -0.688 (0.359) -0.888 (0.235) -0.250 (0.755) -0.694 (0.357) -0.213 (0.789) 0.012 (0.988) -0.652 (0.387) -0.441 (0.563)
From Redwall Constituency 1.148 (0.285) 1.075 (0.316) 1.035 (0.334) 1.317 (0.222) 1.069 (0.321) 1.045 (0.330) 1.151 (0.284) 1.237 (0.249) 1.214 (0.257) 1.090 (0.310) 1.163 (0.279) 1.153 (0.282) 1.093 (0.308) 1.284 (0.230) 1.147 (0.285) 1.286 (0.231)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) 0.237 (0.963) -0.321 (0.949) -0.164 (0.974) 0.094 (0.985) -0.098 (0.985) -0.253 (0.960) -0.075 (0.988) -0.266 (0.958) -0.255 (0.960) -0.386 (0.939) -0.369 (0.942) -0.220 (0.965) -0.495 (0.922) 0.720 (0.887) -0.276 (0.956) 0.381 (0.940)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -1.039 (0.317) -1.141 (0.271) -1.059 (0.306) -1.117 (0.282) -0.942 (0.364) -1.143 (0.271) -1.055 (0.309) -0.667 (0.523) -0.626 (0.549) -0.981 (0.344) -0.986 (0.342) -0.780 (0.453) -1.151 (0.267) -0.768 (0.458) -0.748 (0.472) -0.961 (0.353)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 4.687*** (0.001)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.111** (0.002)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -2.234 (0.070)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -3.162 (0.144)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -2.368 (0.256)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 6.458 (0.217)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -2.340 (0.310)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -1.230 (0.621)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -5.305* (0.021)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -5.512* (0.025)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -5.925* (0.012)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -6.111* (0.015)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied 0.053 (0.988)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 2.742 (0.063)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.182** (0.005)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.355** (0.001)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 3.476 (0.066)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright -0.272 (0.870)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 1.856 (0.291)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 2.480 (0.261)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 6.115* (0.036)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.150** (0.010)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 3.322** (0.005)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.090*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.324** (0.002)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 5.439** (0.001)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.053 0.059 0.058 0.055 0.056 0.061 0.055 0.057 0.058 0.055 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.063 0.058 0.059

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p- values in parenthesis. Results are relative to:

Popularity of Transport: 2): Short Regressions

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 77.517*** (0.000)75.662*** (0.000)83.628*** (0.000)77.763*** (0.000)81.045*** (0.000)82.865*** (0.000)76.372*** (0.000)72.783*** (0.000)73.364*** (0.000)77.091*** (0.000)74.701*** (0.000)72.666*** (0.000)75.131*** (0.000)72.660*** (0.000)73.333*** (0.000)76.025*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.070* (0.034) -0.051 (0.124) -0.043 (0.202) -0.028 (0.441) -0.069* (0.039) -0.059 (0.084) -0.058 (0.083) -0.032 (0.353) -0.032 (0.357) -0.071* (0.033) -0.050 (0.136) -0.035 (0.319) -0.050 (0.141) -0.026 (0.448) -0.032 (0.359) -0.054 (0.105)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) 2.402 (0.640) 1.407 (0.784) 1.341 (0.794) 2.054 (0.689) 1.741 (0.736) 1.425 (0.781) 1.784 (0.728) 1.422 (0.782) 1.409 (0.783) 1.461 (0.777) 1.250 (0.808) 1.506 (0.769) 1.003 (0.845) 2.566 (0.616) 1.410 (0.783) 2.371 (0.644)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -1.198 (0.255) -1.306 (0.213) -1.193 (0.255) -1.331 (0.206) -1.058 (0.315) -1.276 (0.225) -1.212 (0.249) -0.676 (0.523) -0.634 (0.549) -1.087 (0.302) -1.107 (0.293) -0.814 (0.440) -1.325 (0.207) -0.913 (0.384) -0.780 (0.459) -1.119 (0.287)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 5.451*** (0.000)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.407*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -3.416** (0.004)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -4.197 (0.056)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -4.057 (0.052)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 5.964 (0.264)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -3.808 (0.100)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -2.234 (0.374)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -6.500** (0.005)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -6.711** (0.006)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -7.392** (0.001)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -7.881** (0.001)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -1.077 (0.757)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 3.801** (0.009)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.585*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.454*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 4.846* (0.011)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 0.160 (0.924)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 3.029 (0.078)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 3.726 (0.086)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 8.310** (0.003)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.551*** (0.001)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 4.398*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.096*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.415*** (0.000)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 6.056*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.003 0.011 0.012 0.007 0.007 0.014 0.007 0.010 0.012 0.006 0.011 0.009 0.011 0.015 0.011 0.010

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Popularity of Transport: 3): Very Short Regressions

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
(Intercept) 72.600*** (0.000)81.526*** (0.000)76.062*** (0.000)77.417*** (0.000)79.803*** (0.000)73.032*** (0.000)70.697*** (0.000)71.423*** (0.000)73.262*** (0.000)71.546*** (0.000)70.342*** (0.000)72.117*** (0.000)70.900*** (0.000)71.299*** (0.000)72.935*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 5.729*** (0.000)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.495*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -3.750*** (0.001)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -4.481* (0.041)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -4.149* (0.047)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 6.174 (0.247)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -3.678 (0.111)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -2.278 (0.365)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -6.613** (0.004)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -7.073** (0.004)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -7.655*** (0.001)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -8.487*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -2.203 (0.521)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 4.183** (0.004)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.744*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.491*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 4.973** (0.009)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 0.363 (0.827)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 3.420* (0.045)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 4.300* (0.045)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 8.867** (0.002)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.725*** (0.000)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 4.645*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.101*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.452*** (0.000)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 6.450*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.009 0.011 0.006 0.004 0.012 0.004 0.009 0.011 0.003 0.009 0.008 0.009 0.014 0.010 0.008

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Change in Popularity of Transport: By Argument

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 4.274*** (0.000)4.249*** (0.000)6.059*** (0.000)4.958*** (0.000)3.499*** (0.001)4.907*** (0.000)4.254*** (0.000)3.529*** (0.000)3.877*** (0.000)4.336*** (0.000)3.194*** (0.000)3.716*** (0.000)4.106*** (0.000)3.904*** (0.000)4.161*** (0.000)4.136*** (0.000)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -2.535 (0.286) -2.565 (0.281) -2.836 (0.233) -2.724 (0.252) -2.379 (0.319) -2.756 (0.247) -2.566 (0.281) -2.845 (0.232) -2.745 (0.249) -2.429 (0.308) -2.768 (0.245) -2.735 (0.251) -2.721 (0.254) -2.552 (0.283) -2.596 (0.276) -2.566 (0.280)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -1.424** (0.004)-1.427** (0.003)-1.422** (0.004)-1.465** (0.003)-1.437** (0.003)-1.348** (0.006)-1.424** (0.004)-1.293** (0.009)-1.329** (0.007)-1.436** (0.003)-1.359** (0.005)-1.356** (0.006)-1.439** (0.003)-1.383** (0.005)-1.403** (0.004)-1.406** (0.004)
Shown Relative Gains Argument 0.784 (0.253) 0.784 (0.253) 0.802 (0.242) 0.789 (0.250) 0.769 (0.264) 0.834 (0.224) 0.778 (0.257) 0.801 (0.243) 0.801 (0.243) 0.762 (0.267) 0.825 (0.230) 0.774 (0.259) 0.790 (0.250) 0.761 (0.268) 0.780 (0.256) 0.786 (0.252)
Shown Flourishing Argument -1.323 (0.053) -1.324 (0.053) -1.333 (0.051) -1.328 (0.052) -1.327 (0.052) -1.306 (0.056) -1.325 (0.052) -1.329 (0.051) -1.321 (0.053) -1.332 (0.051) -1.372* (0.045) -1.329 (0.052) -1.322 (0.053) -1.349* (0.048) -1.326 (0.052) -1.338 (0.050)
Shown Security Argument -1.791** (0.009)-1.790** (0.009)-1.816** (0.008)-1.813** (0.008)-1.778** (0.009)-1.875** (0.006)-1.802** (0.009)-1.784** (0.009)-1.788** (0.009)-1.807** (0.008)-1.793** (0.009)-1.799** (0.008)-1.804** (0.008)-1.837** (0.007)-1.797** (0.009)-1.842** (0.007)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 0.143 (0.817)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.339* (0.025)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -1.034* (0.040)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair 1.036 (0.309)
General Health (Q66.13): Good 0.819 (0.398)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 2.144 (0.386)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good 0.527 (0.623)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -0.843 (0.470)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied 0.362 (0.735)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -1.561 (0.166)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -0.527 (0.621)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -1.037 (0.348)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -2.907 (0.069)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 0.166 (0.805)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.400* (0.035)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.076 (0.120)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') -0.542 (0.538)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 0.859 (0.267)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 1.645* (0.038)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 1.489 (0.136)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 0.511 (0.696)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.276 (0.162)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 0.531 (0.302)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.014 (0.127)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.020 (0.666)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 1.270 (0.094)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.014 0.014 0.016 0.016 0.015 0.019 0.014 0.016 0.015 0.014 0.016 0.015 0.014 0.015 0.014 0.015

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

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Change in Popularity of Transport: Genderless By Argument

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 3.598*** (0.000)3.584*** (0.000)5.343*** (0.000)4.212*** (0.000) 2.841** (0.004)4.247*** (0.000)3.581*** (0.000)2.825*** (0.000)3.180*** (0.000)3.648*** (0.000) 2.479** (0.001)2.990*** (0.000)3.447*** (0.000)3.212*** (0.000)3.441*** (0.000)3.463*** (0.000)
Shown Relative Gains Argument 0.797 (0.246) 0.797 (0.246) 0.812 (0.237) 0.801 (0.243) 0.790 (0.252) 0.844 (0.219) 0.792 (0.249) 0.810 (0.238) 0.812 (0.237) 0.779 (0.258) 0.837 (0.224) 0.782 (0.255) 0.801 (0.244) 0.770 (0.262) 0.790 (0.250) 0.798 (0.245)
Shown Flourishing Argument -1.350* (0.049) -1.350* (0.049) -1.360* (0.047) -1.355* (0.048) -1.351* (0.049) -1.331 (0.052) -1.352* (0.048) -1.355* (0.047) -1.346* (0.049) -1.358* (0.047) -1.401* (0.041) -1.356* (0.048) -1.350* (0.049) -1.377* (0.044) -1.353* (0.048) -1.365* (0.046)
Shown Security Argument -1.828** (0.008)-1.828** (0.008)-1.852** (0.007)-1.850** (0.007)-1.812** (0.008)-1.914** (0.005)-1.837** (0.007)-1.817** (0.008)-1.822** (0.008)-1.843** (0.007)-1.827** (0.008)-1.836** (0.007)-1.839** (0.007)-1.878** (0.006)-1.836** (0.007)-1.880** (0.006)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 0.071 (0.908)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.332* (0.028)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -0.958 (0.057)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair 0.976 (0.337)
General Health (Q66.13): Good 0.791 (0.414)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 2.355 (0.342)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good 0.533 (0.618)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -0.908 (0.437)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied 0.454 (0.672)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -1.522 (0.177)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -0.525 (0.623)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -1.043 (0.345)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -2.932 (0.067)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 0.130 (0.847)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.449* (0.017)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.090 (0.065)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') -0.484 (0.581)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 0.933 (0.228)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 1.746* (0.028)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 1.536 (0.124)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 0.514 (0.695)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.318 (0.105)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 0.452 (0.378)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.015 (0.095)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.031 (0.513)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 1.311 (0.084)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.009 0.009 0.012 0.011 0.010 0.015 0.009 0.012 0.011 0.009 0.012 0.011 0.010 0.011 0.010 0.011

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

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Regressions - Policy: Democracy (Before Explanation)

Popularity of Democracy: 1) Full Regression

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 67.267*** (0.000)61.808*** (0.000)61.191*** (0.000)67.038*** (0.000)68.779*** (0.000)65.130*** (0.000)65.799*** (0.000)62.889*** (0.000)64.438*** (0.000)65.703*** (0.000)57.898*** (0.000)60.831*** (0.000)56.089*** (0.000)54.973*** (0.000)62.459*** (0.000)60.766*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) 0.094* (0.015) 0.105** (0.007) 0.124** (0.002) 0.096* (0.023) 0.102** (0.008) 0.099* (0.013) 0.098* (0.012) 0.117** (0.004) 0.111** (0.006) 0.099* (0.011) 0.110** (0.005) 0.125** (0.002) 0.120** (0.002) 0.133*** (0.001) 0.121** (0.003) 0.111** (0.004)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Labour 19.842*** (0.000)19.580*** (0.000)19.193*** (0.000)19.822*** (0.000)19.565*** (0.000)19.582*** (0.000)19.758*** (0.000)19.478*** (0.000)19.620*** (0.000)19.618*** (0.000)19.327*** (0.000)19.365*** (0.000)19.356*** (0.000)19.490*** (0.000)19.512*** (0.000)19.614*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): LibDem 19.649*** (0.000)19.396*** (0.000)19.253*** (0.000)19.634*** (0.000)19.456*** (0.000)18.601*** (0.000)19.596*** (0.000)19.341*** (0.000)19.461*** (0.000)19.376*** (0.000)19.269*** (0.000)19.301*** (0.000)18.942*** (0.000)19.456*** (0.000)19.354*** (0.000)19.685*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Nat/Green 22.559*** (0.000)22.171*** (0.000)21.807*** (0.000)22.542*** (0.000)22.260*** (0.000)22.092*** (0.000)22.455*** (0.000)21.939*** (0.000)22.127*** (0.000)22.364*** (0.000)22.097*** (0.000)21.819*** (0.000)21.945*** (0.000)22.162*** (0.000)21.984*** (0.000)22.395*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): No Vote/DK/Refused 10.734*** (0.000)10.447*** (0.000)10.210*** (0.000)10.720*** (0.000)10.526*** (0.000)10.416*** (0.000)10.655*** (0.000)10.399*** (0.000)10.523*** (0.000)10.554*** (0.000)10.414*** (0.000)10.257*** (0.000)10.343*** (0.000)10.340*** (0.000)10.392*** (0.000)10.551*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Other/Brexit 18.984*** (0.000)18.558*** (0.000)18.403*** (0.000)18.967*** (0.000)18.845*** (0.000)18.607*** (0.000)18.911*** (0.000)18.439*** (0.000)18.586*** (0.000)18.797*** (0.000)18.377*** (0.000)18.302*** (0.000)18.361*** (0.000)18.508*** (0.000)18.477*** (0.000)18.866*** (0.000)
Not Ethnically British (Q66.4) 1.748 (0.228) 1.780 (0.219) 1.969 (0.174) 1.726 (0.237) 1.602 (0.269) 1.873 (0.197) 1.763 (0.224) 1.877 (0.196) 1.853 (0.202) 1.772 (0.221) 1.718 (0.235) 1.897 (0.190) 1.984 (0.171) 1.659 (0.251) 1.872 (0.197) 1.814 (0.210)
Working or Self Employed (inc. part-time) (Q66.7) -2.067 (0.106) -2.113 (0.099) -1.736 (0.176) -2.050 (0.111) -1.520 (0.242) -1.982 (0.123) -2.045 (0.110) -1.978 (0.122) -1.924 (0.134) -1.598 (0.218) -2.002 (0.118) -1.873 (0.143) -1.716 (0.181) -1.941 (0.128) -1.758 (0.172) -2.000 (0.117)
Log of household annual net income (Q66.6) -1.165 (0.136) -0.711 (0.381) -0.102 (0.905) -1.142 (0.155) -1.073 (0.173) -0.679 (0.423) -1.051 (0.189) -0.985 (0.210) -1.040 (0.186) -1.081 (0.167) -0.414 (0.620) -0.890 (0.258) -0.308 (0.710) -0.349 (0.668) -0.942 (0.232) -0.672 (0.399)
From Redwall Constituency 1.160 (0.301) 1.115 (0.320) 1.044 (0.351) 1.172 (0.298) 1.109 (0.324) 1.081 (0.335) 1.161 (0.301) 1.227 (0.274) 1.191 (0.288) 1.090 (0.331) 1.201 (0.284) 1.165 (0.298) 1.097 (0.327) 1.275 (0.255) 1.160 (0.301) 1.292 (0.249)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) 6.600 (0.212) 6.249 (0.237) 6.186 (0.242) 6.590 (0.213) 6.376 (0.229) 6.267 (0.236) 6.484 (0.221) 6.223 (0.240) 6.371 (0.229) 5.836 (0.271) 5.954 (0.260) 6.124 (0.247) 5.757 (0.276) 7.007 (0.184) 6.224 (0.239) 6.738 (0.202)
Gender (Q66.3): Male 0.541 (0.618) 0.477 (0.660) 0.520 (0.631) 0.535 (0.622) 0.647 (0.550) 0.494 (0.649) 0.535 (0.622) 0.820 (0.453) 0.734 (0.502) 0.611 (0.573) 0.661 (0.542) 0.810 (0.456) 0.412 (0.703) 0.769 (0.478) 0.754 (0.488) 0.615 (0.570)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 2.952* (0.041)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.147** (0.003)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -0.157 (0.903)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -2.943 (0.193)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -4.334* (0.046)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 6.844 (0.209)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -1.403 (0.560)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -0.702 (0.787)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -2.713 (0.261)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -3.843 (0.134)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -4.322 (0.080)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -3.836 (0.143)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied 2.812 (0.447)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 1.018 (0.508)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.887* (0.046)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.166 (0.149)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 4.261* (0.031)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright -0.668 (0.700)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 3.099 (0.091)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 1.012 (0.661)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 5.267 (0.084)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.200** (0.010)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 3.827** (0.002)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.076*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.238* (0.033)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 5.197** (0.003)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.071 0.073 0.076 0.071 0.076 0.076 0.072 0.073 0.072 0.074 0.077 0.074 0.076 0.077 0.074 0.076

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p- values in parenthesis. Results are relative to:

Popularity of Democracy: 2): Short Regressions

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 71.548*** (0.000)70.082*** (0.000)78.474*** (0.000)71.685*** (0.000)75.990*** (0.000)76.015*** (0.000)70.767*** (0.000)67.204*** (0.000)68.725*** (0.000)71.026*** (0.000)68.117*** (0.000)66.034*** (0.000)68.694*** (0.000)67.067*** (0.000)67.843*** (0.000)70.034*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) 0.051 (0.147) 0.066 (0.063) 0.082* (0.021) 0.075 (0.052) 0.053 (0.133) 0.059 (0.104) 0.059 (0.095) 0.086* (0.019) 0.077* (0.034) 0.050 (0.150) 0.072* (0.042) 0.092* (0.012) 0.076* (0.032) 0.092* (0.011) 0.085* (0.020) 0.067 (0.057)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) 9.090 (0.094) 8.304 (0.126) 7.888 (0.145) 8.895 (0.101) 8.421 (0.121) 8.243 (0.128) 8.668 (0.110) 8.191 (0.131) 8.415 (0.121) 7.938 (0.144) 7.783 (0.151) 8.071 (0.136) 7.417 (0.171) 9.241 (0.087) 8.211 (0.130) 9.058 (0.094)
Gender (Q66.3): Male 0.184 (0.868) 0.099 (0.929) 0.189 (0.864) 0.110 (0.921) 0.339 (0.760) 0.173 (0.876) 0.175 (0.875) 0.663 (0.553) 0.567 (0.612) 0.320 (0.773) 0.354 (0.750) 0.620 (0.578) 0.032 (0.977) 0.447 (0.686) 0.554 (0.619) 0.265 (0.811)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 4.308** (0.003)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.595*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -1.915 (0.127)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -4.135 (0.074)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -6.353** (0.004)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 6.175 (0.272)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -3.210 (0.188)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -2.093 (0.430)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -4.531 (0.063)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -5.756* (0.025)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -6.688** (0.006)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -6.720** (0.008)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied 0.514 (0.889)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 2.593 (0.093)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.455** (0.001)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.309** (0.008)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 5.931** (0.003)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 0.144 (0.935)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 4.892** (0.007)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 3.002 (0.189)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 8.458** (0.005)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.764*** (0.000)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 5.260*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.088*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.368** (0.001)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 6.143*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.002 0.007 0.013 0.004 0.010 0.011 0.004 0.008 0.006 0.007 0.013 0.009 0.012 0.011 0.008 0.009

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Popularity of Democracy: 3): Very Short Regressions

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
(Intercept) 73.361*** (0.000)81.828*** (0.000)74.753*** (0.000)78.993*** (0.000)78.780*** (0.000)73.758*** (0.000)72.140*** (0.000)72.989*** (0.000)73.610*** (0.000)72.038*** (0.000)71.343*** (0.000)72.452*** (0.000)72.084*** (0.000)72.547*** (0.000)73.463*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 4.045** (0.004)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -1.468*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -0.992 (0.387)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -4.276 (0.064)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -6.630** (0.003)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 5.643 (0.315)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -3.717 (0.126)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -2.123 (0.424)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -4.452 (0.068)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -5.554* (0.030)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -6.617** (0.006)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -6.322* (0.012)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied 1.348 (0.710)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 2.356 (0.123)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.160** (0.007)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.247* (0.026)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 6.131** (0.002)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright -0.082 (0.963)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 4.560* (0.011)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 2.450 (0.278)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 7.875** (0.008)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 1.438** (0.001)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 4.970*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.074*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.300** (0.005)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 5.725*** (0.001)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.004 0.009 0.000 0.008 0.008 0.001 0.004 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.005 0.009 0.007 0.004 0.006

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Change in Popularity of Democracy: By Argument

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 2.250*** (0.000)2.076*** (0.000) 3.195** (0.001)2.643*** (0.000) 2.136* (0.040)3.557*** (0.001)1.897*** (0.001)1.857** (0.005)1.936** (0.002)2.305*** (0.000) 1.200 (0.161) 1.579* (0.024)2.171*** (0.000) 1.848** (0.003)1.778** (0.004)2.178*** (0.000)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -1.094 (0.658) -1.285 (0.603) -1.254 (0.612) -1.201 (0.627) -1.160 (0.640) -1.386 (0.575) -1.504 (0.542) -1.252 (0.613) -1.253 (0.612) -0.999 (0.687) -1.510 (0.541) -1.326 (0.592) -1.176 (0.635) -1.110 (0.653) -1.329 (0.591) -1.107 (0.654)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -1.358** (0.007)-1.378** (0.007)-1.359** (0.007)-1.383** (0.006)-1.380** (0.007)-1.326** (0.009)-1.368** (0.007)-1.293* (0.011)-1.288* (0.012)-1.369** (0.007)-1.348** (0.008)-1.282* (0.012)-1.366** (0.007)-1.319** (0.009)-1.282* (0.012)-1.352** (0.008)
Shown Relative Gains Argument -0.112 (0.875) -0.118 (0.868) -0.112 (0.874) -0.119 (0.867) -0.162 (0.820) -0.087 (0.903) -0.105 (0.882) -0.079 (0.911) -0.078 (0.913) -0.124 (0.862) -0.109 (0.878) -0.067 (0.925) -0.114 (0.873) -0.101 (0.887) -0.066 (0.927) -0.104 (0.883)
Shown Flourishing Argument -1.084 (0.128) -1.072 (0.132) -1.066 (0.134) -1.099 (0.122) -1.107 (0.120) -1.052 (0.140) -1.074 (0.130) -1.081 (0.129) -1.078 (0.130) -1.092 (0.125) -1.076 (0.130) -1.090 (0.125) -1.081 (0.129) -1.115 (0.117) -1.077 (0.130) -1.081 (0.129)
Shown Security Argument -1.419* (0.046) -1.388 (0.051) -1.385 (0.052) -1.403* (0.049) -1.447* (0.042) -1.337 (0.061) -1.372 (0.053) -1.394 (0.050) -1.393 (0.050) -1.441* (0.043) -1.359 (0.056) -1.377 (0.053) -1.405* (0.048) -1.388 (0.051) -1.363 (0.056) -1.410* (0.048)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 0.934 (0.147)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.182 (0.246)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -0.597 (0.254)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair 0.070 (0.947)
General Health (Q66.13): Good 0.495 (0.624)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad -2.213 (0.389)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -0.442 (0.692)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -0.920 (0.449)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -1.058 (0.342)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -1.432 (0.222)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -1.051 (0.343)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -2.550* (0.027)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -3.025 (0.068)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 2.241** (0.001)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.204 (0.301)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.058 (0.256)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') -0.486 (0.594)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 0.875 (0.275)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 0.734 (0.373)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 2.822** (0.006)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 3.173* (0.020)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.319 (0.120)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 0.235 (0.660)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.014 (0.138)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.078 (0.110)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 0.555 (0.481)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.007 0.008 0.007 0.007 0.008 0.011 0.012 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.013 0.008 0.007 0.008 0.008 0.007

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

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Change in Popularity of Democracy: Genderless By Argument

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 1.648** (0.001)1.475** (0.005)2.578** (0.007)1.989** (0.001) 1.576 (0.121)2.960** (0.005) 1.291* (0.012) 1.179 (0.054) 1.292* (0.021)1.690*** (0.001) 0.528 (0.520) 0.918 (0.157)1.585** (0.003) 1.229* (0.030) 1.148* (0.045)1.574** (0.002)
Shown Relative Gains Argument -0.171 (0.810) -0.178 (0.802) -0.172 (0.809) -0.179 (0.802) -0.220 (0.757) -0.145 (0.839) -0.167 (0.815) -0.127 (0.859) -0.125 (0.861) -0.181 (0.800) -0.170 (0.811) -0.118 (0.869) -0.173 (0.808) -0.157 (0.825) -0.116 (0.871) -0.163 (0.819)
Shown Flourishing Argument -1.120 (0.116) -1.109 (0.119) -1.102 (0.122) -1.134 (0.111) -1.142 (0.109) -1.089 (0.127) -1.111 (0.118) -1.115 (0.117) -1.111 (0.119) -1.126 (0.114) -1.116 (0.117) -1.126 (0.114) -1.118 (0.117) -1.152 (0.106) -1.110 (0.119) -1.116 (0.117)
Shown Security Argument -1.491* (0.036)-1.463* (0.040)-1.458* (0.041)-1.478* (0.038)-1.519* (0.033)-1.408* (0.048)-1.446* (0.042)-1.455* (0.041)-1.454* (0.041) -1.509* (0.034)-1.430* (0.044)-1.439* (0.043)-1.481* (0.038)-1.455* (0.041)-1.423* (0.046)-1.480* (0.038)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 0.879 (0.173)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.180 (0.253)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -0.533 (0.309)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -0.018 (0.986)
General Health (Q66.13): Good 0.440 (0.662)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad -2.049 (0.426)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -0.477 (0.668)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -0.977 (0.421)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -0.973 (0.383)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -1.408 (0.230)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -1.064 (0.337)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -2.571* (0.026)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -3.071 (0.064)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 2.217** (0.001)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.262 (0.180)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.073 (0.151)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') -0.400 (0.660)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 0.947 (0.238)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 0.845 (0.305)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 2.888** (0.005)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 3.192* (0.019)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.365 (0.074)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 0.180 (0.735)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.015 (0.105)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.089 (0.069)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 0.593 (0.452)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.007 0.008 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.009 0.005 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.003

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

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Regressions - Policy: Tax (Before Explanation)

Popularity of Tax: 1) Full Regression

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 81.111*** (0.000)71.666*** (0.000)67.723*** (0.000)76.223*** (0.000)81.998*** (0.000)72.050*** (0.000)74.907*** (0.000)71.353*** (0.000)71.934*** (0.000)79.639*** (0.000)59.973*** (0.000)70.155*** (0.000)64.012*** (0.000)56.402*** (0.000)71.008*** (0.000)72.952*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.161*** (0.000)-0.142*** (0.001) -0.096* (0.021) -0.117** (0.009)-0.160*** (0.000) -0.135** (0.001)-0.145*** (0.000) -0.110** (0.010) -0.108* (0.010)-0.157*** (0.000) -0.128** (0.002) -0.109* (0.010) -0.122** (0.003) -0.083* (0.049) -0.106* (0.013)-0.140*** (0.001)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Labour 25.923*** (0.000)25.469*** (0.000)24.494*** (0.000)25.487*** (0.000)25.586*** (0.000)25.244*** (0.000)25.566*** (0.000)25.111*** (0.000)25.201*** (0.000)25.712*** (0.000)24.715*** (0.000)25.110*** (0.000)25.179*** (0.000)25.214*** (0.000)25.230*** (0.000)25.636*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): LibDem 25.964*** (0.000)25.526*** (0.000)25.092*** (0.000)25.646*** (0.000)25.616*** (0.000)25.065*** (0.000)25.740*** (0.000)25.277*** (0.000)25.355*** (0.000)25.707*** (0.000)25.289*** (0.000)25.372*** (0.000)24.883*** (0.000)25.575*** (0.000)25.344*** (0.000)26.010*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Nat/Green 29.530*** (0.000)28.858*** (0.000)27.872*** (0.000)29.156*** (0.000)29.242*** (0.000)28.624*** (0.000)29.089*** (0.000)28.147*** (0.000)28.129*** (0.000)29.346*** (0.000)28.248*** (0.000)28.270*** (0.000)28.591*** (0.000)28.731*** (0.000)28.320*** (0.000)29.324*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): No Vote/DK/Refused 14.003*** (0.000)13.507*** (0.000)12.849*** (0.000)13.693*** (0.000)13.706*** (0.000)13.248*** (0.000)13.670*** (0.000)13.255*** (0.000)13.320*** (0.000)13.834*** (0.000)12.992*** (0.000)13.191*** (0.000)13.404*** (0.000)13.211*** (0.000)13.285*** (0.000)13.773*** (0.000)
Voting Intention (Q66.23): Other/Brexit 17.508*** (0.000)16.771*** (0.000)16.228*** (0.000)17.147*** (0.000)17.156*** (0.000)16.610*** (0.000)17.200*** (0.000)16.294*** (0.000)16.217*** (0.000)17.332*** (0.000)16.554*** (0.000)16.347*** (0.000)16.555*** (0.000)16.551*** (0.000)16.443*** (0.000)17.360*** (0.000)
Not Ethnically British (Q66.4) 1.458 (0.340) 1.514 (0.321) 1.944 (0.200) 0.993 (0.519) 1.412 (0.356) 1.441 (0.346) 1.521 (0.319) 1.745 (0.253) 1.798 (0.238) 1.481 (0.333) 1.443 (0.343) 1.712 (0.262) 1.820 (0.233) 1.280 (0.397) 1.719 (0.260) 1.541 (0.312)
Working or Self Employed (inc. part-time) (Q66.7) -2.315 (0.087) -2.395 (0.076) -1.586 (0.237) -1.963 (0.148) -1.737 (0.205) -2.491 (0.066) -2.222 (0.100) -2.118 (0.116) -1.853 (0.169) -1.874 (0.171) -2.447 (0.070) -1.986 (0.141) -1.779 (0.187) -2.062 (0.123) -1.666 (0.218) -2.232 (0.098)
Log of household annual net income (Q66.6) -2.391** (0.004) -1.604 (0.061) -0.048 (0.957) -1.905* (0.025) -2.187** (0.008) -1.181 (0.186) -1.906* (0.024) -1.988* (0.016) -1.984* (0.016) -2.312** (0.005) -0.906 (0.302) -1.923* (0.020) -1.079 (0.216) -0.750 (0.378) -1.921* (0.020) -1.772* (0.035)
From Redwall Constituency 2.056 (0.083) 1.977 (0.094) 1.800 (0.125) 2.308 (0.052) 1.889 (0.112) 2.001 (0.090) 2.062 (0.081) 2.206 (0.062) 2.157 (0.067) 1.990 (0.093) 2.103 (0.075) 2.065 (0.080) 1.959 (0.097) 2.287 (0.051) 2.055 (0.081) 2.222 (0.060)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -3.036 (0.587) -3.644 (0.513) -3.948 (0.475) -3.249 (0.560) -3.589 (0.521) -3.756 (0.500) -3.525 (0.527) -3.876 (0.486) -3.780 (0.497) -3.755 (0.502) -4.149 (0.456) -3.847 (0.489) -4.326 (0.437) -2.219 (0.688) -3.826 (0.492) -2.863 (0.607)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -0.785 (0.492) -0.896 (0.432) -0.832 (0.463) -0.902 (0.430) -0.749 (0.513) -0.748 (0.513) -0.811 (0.478) -0.164 (0.886) -0.161 (0.889) -0.719 (0.529) -0.532 (0.641) -0.327 (0.775) -0.983 (0.388) -0.327 (0.773) -0.338 (0.767) -0.692 (0.544)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 5.107*** (0.001)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -2.528*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -3.329* (0.014)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -1.999 (0.402)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -4.191 (0.068)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 4.845 (0.400)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -3.602 (0.156)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied 0.652 (0.812)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -3.044 (0.231)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -4.241 (0.117)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -6.023* (0.021)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -6.630* (0.016)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -4.647 (0.233)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 4.302** (0.008)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 1.977*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.537*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 4.008 (0.054)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 3.242 (0.076)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 7.384*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 9.206*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 9.318** (0.004)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 2.043*** (0.000)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 5.854*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.152*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.499*** (0.000)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 6.522*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.120 0.125 0.137 0.122 0.123 0.127 0.123 0.128 0.128 0.121 0.130 0.127 0.129 0.140 0.128 0.125

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p- values in parenthesis. Results are relative to:

Popularity of Tax: 2): Short Regressions

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 77.859*** (0.000)75.429*** (0.000)91.103*** (0.000)78.247*** (0.000)83.430*** (0.000) 82.947*** (0.000)75.890*** (0.000)69.735*** (0.000)71.300*** (0.000)77.298*** (0.000)68.797*** (0.000)69.070*** (0.000)73.518*** (0.000)69.318*** (0.000)71.100*** (0.000)75.858*** (0.000)
Age (Q66.2) -0.217*** (0.000)-0.192*** (0.000)-0.158*** (0.000)-0.150*** (0.000)-0.224*** (0.000) -0.183*** (0.000)-0.196*** (0.000)-0.152*** (0.000)-0.156*** (0.000)-0.218*** (0.000)-0.174*** (0.000)-0.152*** (0.000)-0.179*** (0.000)-0.139*** (0.000)-0.155*** (0.000)-0.196*** (0.000)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) 0.713 (0.903) -0.589 (0.919) -1.585 (0.783) 0.164 (0.978) -0.454 (0.938) -0.852 (0.883) -0.349 (0.952) -0.968 (0.867) -0.854 (0.883) -0.524 (0.928) -1.514 (0.794) -0.910 (0.875) -1.831 (0.752) 1.002 (0.862) -0.889 (0.878) 0.672 (0.908)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -1.288 (0.281) -1.430 (0.229) -1.279 (0.277) -1.498 (0.209) -1.185 (0.321) -1.210 (0.309) -1.312 (0.271) -0.392 (0.743) -0.398 (0.739) -1.142 (0.339) -0.951 (0.422) -0.594 (0.619) -1.520 (0.199) -0.787 (0.505) -0.614 (0.607) -1.182 (0.321)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 7.141*** (0.000)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -3.049*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -5.396*** (0.000)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -3.597 (0.149)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -6.956** (0.003)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 4.107 (0.497)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -6.154* (0.019)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -1.376 (0.629)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -5.561* (0.033)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -7.022* (0.011)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -9.261*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -10.750*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -7.699 (0.051)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 6.536*** (0.000)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 2.721*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.717*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 6.373** (0.003)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 4.452* (0.018)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 9.893*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 12.046*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 13.733*** (0.000)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 2.811*** (0.000)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 8.002*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.169*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.671*** (0.000)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 8.120*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.017 0.028 0.049 0.025 0.024 0.032 0.025 0.033 0.033 0.021 0.039 0.032 0.037 0.044 0.032 0.026

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Popularity of Tax: 3): Very Short Regressions

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
(Intercept) 65.521*** (0.000)84.613*** (0.000)71.725*** (0.000)72.312*** (0.000) 74.598*** (0.000)65.868*** (0.000)61.455*** (0.000)63.140*** (0.000)66.525*** (0.000)59.365*** (0.000)60.478*** (0.000)64.073*** (0.000)61.803*** (0.000)62.803*** (0.000)65.977*** (0.000)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 8.193*** (0.000)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -3.344*** (0.000)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes -7.334*** (0.000)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -4.109 (0.100)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -6.894** (0.004)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad 4.869 (0.424)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -5.358* (0.042)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -1.367 (0.633)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -6.000* (0.022)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -8.052** (0.004)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -9.906*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -12.433*** (0.000)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -10.898** (0.005)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) 7.735*** (0.000)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 3.281*** (0.000)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale 0.855*** (0.000)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 6.433** (0.003)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 5.003** (0.008)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 10.900*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 13.718*** (0.000)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 15.450*** (0.000)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 3.406*** (0.000)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 8.895*** (0.000)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.191*** (0.000)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.810*** (0.000)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 9.425*** (0.000)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.014 0.040 0.018 0.007 0.021 0.011 0.025 0.025 0.004 0.029 0.025 0.025 0.038 0.025 0.013

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Change in Popularity of Tax: By Argument

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 4.733*** (0.000) 4.698*** (0.000) 5.405*** (0.000) 4.569*** (0.000) 6.170*** (0.000) 5.692*** (0.000) 4.756*** (0.000) 5.133*** (0.000) 5.020*** (0.000) 4.605*** (0.000) 3.634*** (0.000) 4.480*** (0.000) 4.669*** (0.000) 4.611*** (0.000) 4.557*** (0.000) 4.667*** (0.000)
Other Gender/Gender not specified (Q66.3) -1.036 (0.694) -1.079 (0.683) -1.148 (0.664) -0.993 (0.706) -1.290 (0.626) -1.109 (0.674) -1.008 (0.702) -0.867 (0.743) -0.880 (0.739) -1.331 (0.614) -1.082 (0.682) -1.128 (0.669) -1.108 (0.675) -1.041 (0.693) -1.131 (0.668) -1.049 (0.691)
Gender (Q66.3): Male -2.185*** (0.000)-2.189*** (0.000)-2.184*** (0.000)-2.175*** (0.000)-2.147*** (0.000)-2.181*** (0.000)-2.184*** (0.000)-2.257*** (0.000)-2.255*** (0.000)-2.149*** (0.000)-2.142*** (0.000)-2.153*** (0.000)-2.191*** (0.000)-2.172*** (0.000)-2.153*** (0.000)-2.177*** (0.000)
Shown Relative Gains Argument 1.910* (0.012) 1.906* (0.012) 1.907* (0.012) 1.916* (0.012) 1.879* (0.013) 1.916* (0.012) 1.912* (0.012) 1.914* (0.012) 1.912* (0.012) 1.866* (0.014) 1.894* (0.013) 1.905* (0.012) 1.909* (0.012) 1.901* (0.012) 1.907* (0.012) 1.902* (0.012)
Shown Flourishing Argument -2.392** (0.002) -2.392** (0.002) -2.397** (0.002) -2.392** (0.002) -2.367** (0.002) -2.415** (0.001) -2.392** (0.002) -2.382** (0.002) -2.382** (0.002) -2.393** (0.002) -2.422** (0.001) -2.398** (0.002) -2.392** (0.002) -2.395** (0.002) -2.396** (0.002) -2.397** (0.002)
Shown Security Argument 0.531 (0.483) 0.524 (0.489) 0.525 (0.488) 0.537 (0.478) 0.528 (0.486) 0.504 (0.506) 0.529 (0.485) 0.547 (0.470) 0.546 (0.471) 0.515 (0.496) 0.501 (0.509) 0.512 (0.500) 0.525 (0.488) 0.520 (0.493) 0.516 (0.496) 0.526 (0.487)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 0.210 (0.760)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.127 (0.447)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes 0.244 (0.662)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -1.562 (0.167)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -1.751 (0.103)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad -0.270 (0.922)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -1.145 (0.335)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -1.203 (0.353)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -1.220 (0.304)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -0.899 (0.472)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -0.048 (0.968)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -1.583 (0.196)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -3.139 (0.076)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) -0.155 (0.835)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.220 (0.294)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.057 (0.292)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 1.544 (0.113)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 1.274 (0.138)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 1.390 (0.114)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 0.707 (0.523)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 1.579 (0.277)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.128 (0.560)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 0.207 (0.717)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.004 (0.658)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.032 (0.541)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 0.577 (0.492)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.027 0.028 0.025 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.027 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

text version | latex version

Change in Popularity of Tax: Genderless By Argument

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(Intercept) 3.764*** (0.000) 3.740*** (0.000) 4.435*** (0.000) 3.545*** (0.000)5.325*** (0.000) 4.727*** (0.000) 3.789*** (0.000) 3.948*** (0.000) 3.896*** (0.000) 3.638*** (0.000) 2.559** (0.003) 3.364*** (0.000) 3.720*** (0.000) 3.592*** (0.000) 3.500*** (0.000) 3.694*** (0.000)
Shown Relative Gains Argument 1.840* (0.016) 1.838* (0.016) 1.837* (0.016) 1.850* (0.015) 1.809* (0.018) 1.849* (0.015) 1.843* (0.015) 1.842* (0.015) 1.841* (0.016) 1.792* (0.018) 1.818* (0.017) 1.834* (0.016) 1.839* (0.016) 1.828* (0.016) 1.837* (0.016) 1.832* (0.016)
Shown Flourishing Argument -2.513*** (0.001)-2.513*** (0.001)-2.517*** (0.001)-2.513*** (0.001)-2.480** (0.001)-2.538*** (0.001)-2.512*** (0.001)-2.510*** (0.001)-2.510*** (0.001)-2.510*** (0.001)-2.545*** (0.001)-2.519*** (0.001)-2.512*** (0.001)-2.516*** (0.001)-2.516*** (0.001)-2.517*** (0.001)
Shown Security Argument 0.487 (0.521) 0.483 (0.525) 0.481 (0.527) 0.496 (0.514) 0.487 (0.522) 0.464 (0.541) 0.485 (0.523) 0.495 (0.515) 0.495 (0.515) 0.470 (0.536) 0.451 (0.553) 0.456 (0.549) 0.483 (0.525) 0.471 (0.535) 0.463 (0.542) 0.482 (0.526)
Unsatisfied with Income (Q66.11 in 1,2,3) 0.137 (0.842)
Life Ladder (Q66.12) -0.127 (0.448)
Owner Occupier, inc. with a Mortgage (Q66.8=yes): Yes 0.337 (0.547)
General Health (Q66.13): Fair -1.725 (0.127)
General Health (Q66.13): Good -1.867 (0.082)
General Health (Q66.13): Very bad -0.063 (0.982)
General Health (Q66.13): Very good -1.234 (0.299)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 2. Mostly dissatisfied -1.301 (0.317)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 3. Somewhat dissatisfied -1.093 (0.359)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied -0.877 (0.485)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 5. Somewhat satisfied -0.090 (0.939)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 6. Mostly satisfied -1.645 (0.180)
Satsified with Income (Q66.11): 7. Completely satisfied -3.243 (0.068)
Not Managing Well Financially (Q66.10 in 4,5) -0.170 (0.820)
Square Root of PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.110 (0.598)
PHQ-8 Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale -0.029 (0.587)
In Poor Health (Q66.13 is 'Bad' or 'Very Bad') 1.695 (0.082)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 2. Doing alright 1.394 (0.105)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 3. Just about getting by 1.588 (0.072)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 4. Finding it quite difficult 0.846 (0.445)
Managing Finacially (Q66.10): 5. Finding it very difficult 1.638 (0.260)
Square Root of GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.213 (0.330)
Low Life Satisfaction (Q66.12 - Life Ladder in 1..4) 0.134 (0.815)
Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1) 0.007 (0.511)
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 0.052 (0.322)
At Risk Of Destitution (Q66.9_1 is 70 and over) 0.645 (0.444)
N 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988 1,988
R2 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.019 0.020 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.018 0.019 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.017

p- values in parenthesis. Results are Relative to:

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